Those of you who receive our InfoAve Premium, Information Avenue Free, or Cloudeight Stationery newsletters already know we are offering a free registration key for Aplus Screen Recorder with any donation. Aplus Screen Recorder is a professional screen recording program which normally sells for $29.95.
Thanks to the developer of Aplus Screen Recorder – we started with 100 keys to give away. We used up a lot of them over the weekend thanks to those who donated. We have fewer than 30 left now. We wanted you to know in case you’re interested in one of these free registration keys.
You can get more information by reading either one of the following newsletters:
Cloudeight Information Avenue Free – Issue #494
Cloudeight Stationery News- July 16, 2011
We want to thank all of you who’ve donated over the last few days. We really appreciate your help.
Thanks so much!
Cloudeight Interet