Let’s Talk About Your Computer

By | March 6, 2023



Let’s Talk About Your Computer

We get many questions from people asking how to find out their Windows edition and version, how much RAM they have, what kind of processor, and if their computer is 32-bit or 64-bit. In the past, we’ve covered many ways to get that information. But there is no easier way to find out all about your computer than this.

So, let’s talk about your Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer now!

Windows 10

In the taskbar search type “About” and press “Enter” when “About your PC” appears in the search results.

About your comptuer - Cloudeight

That’s it. When “About your PC” opens you can see (below) that you get a lot of great info all in one place! We’ve highlighted some of the most important information.

1. Processor
2. Installed RAM – This PC has 8 GB of installed RAM but only 7.89 GB is usable -some of it is being used by the display.
3. System type (32-bit or 64-bit) as you can see this PC is 64-bit.
4. Windows Edition – Windows 10 Home
5. Version 22H2

Cloudeight InfoAve Computer Tips & Ticks

You can, if you like, copy this information and paste it into an email, text file, or Word document.

Windows 11

In the taskbar search type “About” and press “Enter” when “About your PC” appears in the search results.

About Your PC - Windows 11 - Cloudeight

About your PC - Windows 11 - Cloudeight

As you can see above, my famous ALLDOCUBE El Cheapo PC has a low-end processor but 12 GB of RAM and it, like every new computer built recently is a 64-bit PC. Also, as in Windows 10, you can copy this info and paste it into an email, text file, Word doc, etc.

About Your PC - Windows 11 - Cloudeight

Windows 11 gives you a bit more information than Widnows 10. Not only does it show the Windows Edition (Windows 11 Home) and the version (22H2), but it also shows the computer manufacturer and how to get support.

Please note…I’m the cautious type…

I’m in the Windows Insider program and there is a major new update waiting to be installed. But I’m no fool – I’m being cautious. I’ve pushed back the installation until next Sunday. I’m just sayin’.

That’s about it…

Now you know that you can learn all ABOUT your computer just by typing ABOUT in the taskbar search whether you’re running Windows 10 or Windows 11.

One thought on “Let’s Talk About Your Computer

  1. Margie

    Hi, Very useful info, my pc is windows 10 home and there was an update for windows 10 called,” Windows 10, version 22H2.” Mine is still version 21H2 ? It says I can download and install this next featured update by clicking the “download and install link” Why didn’t this update get installed like all the other updates? Thank you, Margie


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