Did you ever write an email and wish you could send it later? No, we don’t mean save it as a draft and fish it out later and send it. We mean write it now and send it later – automatically. You haven’t? Yes you have! We all have. Think of the possibilities if you could do that. Why you could tell that husband of yours a thing or two after you’re long gone and well on your way to Bermuda…and well, other stuff like that. Or what about the times you don’t want to forget to send someone an email but you don’t want it sent until a certain date – like on a birthday, anniversary, or Wild Oats day? Why, we’re sure the old gears are turning round and round in your mind right now thinking of ways you could use this kind of thing. But, alas, there’s never been a reliable way to do it – until now.
Yes sir, folks, your trusty bloodhounds EB and TC have sniffed out another little gem that actually lets you send email to anyone you like, from your own email address, anytime in the future you like. Just think, if your boss is on vacation and you’re goofing off at work you could send him or her an email every few hours telling him/her how overworked you are. Here’s one I use with my boss – EB. It works too!
Dear Boss,
While you’re sitting under a palm tree in Hawaii, I’m buried up to my keister in all this work you left for me.
But, I’m hard at work as you can see by this email.
It’s just so lonely without you here, EB
Well, back to work now.
PS: We don’t have any money left. Can you please send some?
Yes, faithful friends, your bloodhounds have found a free online service that actually lets you write future-mail and send it any time in the future you like. How about tomorrow at 5PM? Or December 24, 2011 at 3:30AM. Or January 22, 2012 at 6:00AM? If you can write it, you can send it. Both our site of the week and this service are called “LetterMeLater”. Isn’t that a coincidence? Yep. It is free – no ads will be sent with your email either. And, you can even use your current email program if you like (you can get instructions on their Web site ).
Here’s the Web site’s own description – not edited by us this time:
“LetterMeLater.com allows you to send emails to anyone you wish, with the ability to have them sent at any future date and time you choose.
A feature missing from every email service is the ability to schedule when an email gets sent – you must click the “send” button at the exact moment of delivery.
With this service, you can write emails with your existing email address, and they will get sent at the exact date, or dates that you specify – down to the minute.”
Think of the possibilities. The wonder of wonders! We’re betting you’re all very happy you kept these two old bloodhounds around, aren’t you. If you want to learn more and or try this free service by signing up for a free account, all you need to do is to visit our site of the week at www.lettermelater.com .
Hi Guys!! I ordered your latest “E Book” and submitted my cash for it but although my Visa has been debited, my copy has not yet arrived. I need the copy of the book rather than the ‘downloaded disk’. Will you please look into my non-receipt of the book as soon as possible? Thanks!! Ron