Married People Going Wild! Nothing Wrong With That Says Site’s Founder

By | February 26, 2012

Online Affairs - Married People Gone WildIf you think the world’s going crazy – it is.  One entrepreneur doesn’t think having an affair is a bad thing. We can see why she think’s it is not a bad thing. Rosie Freeman-Jones, founder of has made a bundle by making it easy for married people to hook up for tawdry trysts and otherwise engage in hanky-panky.

If you’re lonely – you have a right to have an affair, according to Rosie Freeman-Jones. I know you think we’re making this up — but we’re not.

Read the following from “Irish Central” :

42,000 Irish men and women having affairs on the Internet

‘Married but looking’ numbers are eye-popping

“42,000 Irish men and women are hoping to conduct an extramarital affair. And with help from the internet they’re exploring physical relationships outside of their own marriages.

According to the Evening Heraldthere are an eye-popping 630,000 registered users from Ireland and the UK making using of – a website that discreetly helps people on the look out for affairs online.

Not everyone thinks a cheating website deserves any attention, of course. But the owner has defended what she calls her ‘match-making’ service. Rosie Freeman-Jones claims she does not feel guilty about the nature of the site, which was founded in 2003.

Said Freeman-Jones: ‘I don’t think there is a great moral problem, we don’t necessarily think an affair is a bad thing. I’ve been doing this job for four years and I sleep very well at night. I am comfortable with it. People come to a site like ours simply because they want to feel they are not alone, if they are bored in their relationship…”

Are you bored? Are you bored and looking? Just curious? Read the rest of this article here.

4 thoughts on “Married People Going Wild! Nothing Wrong With That Says Site’s Founder

  1. Ju Vy

    You wrote this article like someone who does not agree with the morals of the illicit encounters site….. but by giving it space on your usual very informative ( computer wise) site you are in fact promoting it! That’s a bit disappointing.

    1. infoave Post author

      Oh really? So when you read an article in People Magazine about rapists that means by writing about rapists People Magazine is tacitly supporting rape? You really think?

  2. Ken Roberts

    Why even say anything . They will do anything for the thrill of it . and they will finally wind up in an old folks home with no one .


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