More Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts (some work in XP and Vista too)

By | July 28, 2012

The following tips work in Windows 7 — some work in XP and Vista too. So be sure to try them, no matter what version of Windows you’re using.

Note: Win = Windows Key 🙂

Win+Space operates as a keyboard shortcut for Aero Peek.

Win+Up and Win+Down are new shortcuts for Maximize and Restore/Minimize.

Win+Shift+Up vertically maximizes the current window

Win+Left and Win+Right snap the current window to the left or right half of the current display; successive key presses will move the window to other monitors in a multi-monitor configuration.

Win+Shift+Left and Win+Shift+Right move the current window to the left or right display.

Win+ + and Win+ – (plus and minus sign) zoom the desktop in and out.

Win+D – Toggle showing the desktop

Win+E – Run Windows Explorer.

Win+F – Search window.

Win+G – Displays all the Gadgets above other windows.

Win+L – Lock the computer.

Win+M – Minimize all open windows

Win+Shift+M – Undo all window minimization

One thought on “More Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts (some work in XP and Vista too)

  1. Bob Palmer

    I recently completed the Google “Power Searching” course and among the many great things that I learned was the use of Control F in searching for a particular name or phrase in a web page. It brings up a separate search box where you enter the key word/name/phrase and it will take you straight to it. It is especially handy when looking for an individual in a long list of names.


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