National Slam the Scam Day – Let’s All Fight the Scammers!

By | March 5, 2024



National Slam the Scam Day – Let’s All Fight the Scammers!

Over the years, we have helped dozens of people who were scammed.  By having them contact their banks and credit companies immediately we were able to help many folks from losing significant amounts of money. But we could not help those who waited too long.

The best way to deal with scams is by being able to recognize a scam when you encounter one.

March 7th is National Slam the Scam Day, and while that’s a bit cutesy to sound serious – it is serious. And it’s also a great time to remind you of the threats we all face every time we use our computers, tablets, and phones. Anytime we are online and click links, or receive text messages, or emails, we are always a potential victim of a scammer.

Our mission is not only to help you with your computer but to help keep you safe from scammers and other criminals intent on stealing your money by deception. We have written articles on how you can avoid tech support scams, and we have written articles to show you how to avoid most of the other scams you’re most likely to encounter.

Slam the Scam Day is only a couple of days away. So, it’s a good time for us to remind you that you need to be careful and think before you click. Also, please share what you’ve learned about avoiding scams with your friends and family.

Also, remember that it helps others when you report any scam you encounter. If you live in the USA you can report attempted scams here.

We received this announcement from the Social Security Administration about Slam the Scam Day and we’d like to share it with you…

Help Us Slam the Scam
National Slam the Scam Day
March 7, 2024

On National Slam the Scam Day and throughout the year, we give you the tools to recognize Social Security-related scams and stop scammers from stealing your money and personal information.

Help protect your loved ones and people in your community this Slam the Scam Day by:

Educating them about government imposter scams. Let them know they shouldn’t be embarrassed to report if they shared personal information or suffered a financial loss. It is important to report the scam as quickly as possible.

Sharing our Scam Alert fact sheet and helping educate others about how to protect themselves.

Report Social Security-related scams to the Social Security Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

The best advice we can give you is to avoid being a victim of a scam in the first place. The best way to do that is by staying informed and being careful whenever you’re using your computer or phone.

Scammers are now using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their trickery and it makes them even more formidable enemies. You don’t need to be scared or paranoid, but you do need to stay informed, be aware, and be careful. It’s our mission to help you with your computer and to keep you safe. We don’t want to see any of you get hurt by a scammer. 

The Social Security Administration’s Scam Fact Sheet

Below is the SSA’s Scam Alert Fact Sheet. It contains a lot of great information that can help you identify scams and avoid being a victim. 

Slam the Scam Day - Let's Crush the Scammers... Keeping You Safe Cloudeight InfoAve

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