Newer doesn’t always mean better

By | July 25, 2011

Today’s Cloudeight site pick has a good motto – and that motto is “ …Because sometimes newer isn’t always better”. I keep telling EB that. She wants to fire me and hire someone new … and younger. But younger isn’t always better either.

With all the programs that have gone to the dark side and bundled up and cuddled up with spyware and adware and other kinds of badware, it’s nice to know there’s a place to go on the Web that preserved many applications from the good, old days. Becuase, it really is true – sometimes newer isn’t better, it’s worser (Hey! Charles Dickens used that word. If it’s good enough for Charles, it’s good enough for me! Or was that Lewis Carroll that used that word? Or was the word curiouser? ).

Anyway…. We think this site touts themselves pretty well with more yammering from us. So, please read what they have to say:

“Sometimes upgrading to a newer version can be a good thing. Other times, your computer may not be compatible with the new version, the new version is bloated, or all the options you liked are no longer available. has been supplying the online community with old versions of various programs since 2001. The service is utilized by thousands of users every day and has been featured in newspapers and magazines as well as on radio and television. has several objectives. One is to discourage the use of spyware by software companies. Also known as adware, these hidden programs come bundled with certain applications and secretly transmit user information via the Internet to advertisers. It is sometimes possible to avoid spyware by downloading an older version of a program. Use and show the industry your dissatisfaction with these types of business practices. assists computer users who are unable to continually upgrade their computer. Those who find that their machine is not able to run the latest version of a certain application have no choice but to use an old version of the program. Unfortunately, the vast majority of software companies do not offer this opportunity. We are doing our small part to help bridge the digital divide by allowing everyone to enjoy the same software titles regardless of their hardware. …”

If this site sounds good to you, trust us, it’s very good. And if you’re looking around for some good, old, freeware that will probably still work on your newer computer, you’ll find it here. And, these files were saved from the pre-spyware era (in most cases) so you shouldn’t run into problems with that kind of garbage. We do want to issue a word of caution: We have downloaded a few things from this site and they were fine. That is not a warranty that every file from this site is fine. Use good common sense when download from any site.

Now if you’re ready for a trip back to the good, old days, then take the cyber-buggy and visit today’s Cloudeight Site Pick —

3 thoughts on “Newer doesn’t always mean better

  1. kiwibarb

    What a find! I went to a lot of trouble to retrieve IE7 and finally managed it, and don’t know which of the 3 versions I have, but it beats IE8 hands down. I was blaming PhotoBucket for something that was totally the fault of IE 8. You bet older is sometimes better! Well I’m older, for a start…hehehe.

  2. Julie

    If one has Captain Optimizer on their computer, should they also get Reimage?
    What is the difference between the two??

    1. infoave Post author

      Reimage is a computer repair program that does serious repairs to your computer. Reimage is not meant to be used as an optimizer or a cleaner – it’s meant to be used when your computer is in such poor shape you’re considering taking it in for repair or having a computer tech come to your home to fix it. It’s not a simple optimizer or registry cleaner – while it does those things too, it does them in conjunction with some very intensive repair function including replacing corrupt or missing Windows system files. Reimage is not a program like Captain Optimizer which you can use every day if you want to. Reimage is a great repair tool that can save you money on computer repair but it’s not a program you’d run weekly or daily like Captain Optimizer or Registry Commander.

      You can get more information on Reimage here. Details about Captain Optimizer are here.


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