Nine Pieces of Old Technology That are Still Going Strong and Other Old Stuff Still Hanging Around
Over the weekend I visited a website that I thought you would enjoy. If you, like me, thought that floppy disks, pagers, Windows XP, and other pieces of old technology were gone forever, think again. There are many more “old” things around than you might think and this website and these three pages will surprise you more specifically.
Follow us on a journey where the present, past, and future all meet up in today’s world.
Despite their age, these nine pieces of old technology are still going strong
These are but some of the many old technologies we still use regularly today.
Human innovation is a process as old as time. But sometimes new does not necessarily mean better, and some old technology is not really obsolete. In fact, many of humanity’s earliest discoveries are still used today.
Pointy things, fire, walls, wearing materials over our naked body, drinking vessels, cutting things, and levers, are all some examples of many “technological innovations” that have not changed all that much since their invention.
But, most of you could intuitively make lists of that nature. So, let’s take a look at some of the lesser-known technologies of the past that are still going strong today.
On this fascinating page, you’ll learn that the Abacus, floppy disks, Windows XP, car cigarette lighters, and other old pieces of technology are still going strong today.
11 Long-Forgotten Tech Products Every Millennial Will Remember
Here are some of now forgotten tech products and gadgets that only older generations will remember using.
‘Time and tide wait for no man’, as the famous saying goes. The same is true for the rapid development and advancement of technology like gadgets.
Tech gadgets and products from only a few decades ago are now either obsolete or completely redundant. So much so, that many younger generations won’t even be able to work out what they were once for.
Here then are some of the most notable examples of tech gadgets and tech products that only older generations, like Millennials, will remember.
Take a look back in time and remember some of the forgotten technologies that once amazed us such as the cassette tape, handles to lower and raise car windows, cameras, and disposable cameras (and waiting a week to get your pictures back!)
So, take a few minutes and step back into the not-so-distant past and remember the world in which we used to live. Visit 11 Long-Forgotten Tech Products Every Millennial Will Remember.
Top 12 Oldest Websites Still in Existence Today
Browse through some of the oldest websites from the 80s and 90s that are still up and running.
Although we are long past the dark ages of dial-up, the internet still holds some gems from those ancient times. But, have you ever wondered what the oldest websites that are still online are? Join us as we take a journey back in time.
Some of these are absolutely hilarious, and we would thoroughly recommend a visit.
Some of these sites have been around since 1985. You have to be curious and wondering what these old websites are and what they look like, right? Well, come with me and together we’ll visit the Top 12 Oldest Websites Still in Existence Today
I do not miss CRT Monitors.