Norton Symantec Proves Us Right Again

By | November 21, 2016

We’ve received some reports from the few Norton users still left that Norton SafeWeb is blacklisting as dangerous. They list two files as the reason for blocking our entire site. One is a page with a link to an old stationery collection installer file (Western Serenity collection from 2009) and the other is the installer file itself. The stationery collection and the installer are both safe, of course, yet Norton is blocking “SafeWeb”  users from accessing our site. Not only is this unjustified and wrong, it hurts our reputation and our sales.

We can’t help believe that this is some sort of retribution from Norton for all our truthful articles we have written about the ineffectiveness of Norton’s security products. We have warned users for many years NOT to trust their computers to Norton’s security products because Norton products often cannot tell a safe file (or site) from an infected one.

In the course of our work with Cloudeight Direct, we have come to instinctively know that computers which are “protected” by Norton almost always are infected with PUPs and Malware. And it’s not like we’re talking about just a few computers… we’ve worked on thousands of computers. And though Norton (rightfully) isn’t very popular anymore, we’ve still worked on several dozen computers “protected” by Norton. The truth is that most of them were infected with malware and PUPs that we have to clean off before we could install reliable security protection for our customers.

Symantec / Norton is yet another American company taking jobs away from Americans and using support mills in India where workers make much less than minimum wage workers in the USA.

Norton proves that you don’t have to be good  to be rich, and you don’t have to do the right thing to be successful With inferior products backed by Indian tech support mills, it’s no wonder Norton is one of the worst PC security programs you can install on your PC.

It’s your computer and you can use what you want, but if you use Norton SafeWeb and you are blocked from our site, you have to ask yourself, who do you trust most? Norton or Cloudeight. We done nothing but try to help our readers and site visitors avoid the scams and dangers on the Web.

We’d ask you to go to Norton’s “Community” Forums, but in order to post you’d have to sign up with Norton, and then be bombarded with ads for Norton products.

But if you’re already a Norton user and you trust Cloudeight more than you trust a company like Norton / Symantec, why not call customer support and tell then what you think…

Warning – you may not be able to understand their tech support “employees”. What a shame this whole thing is.

As we’ve said for many years, Norton made its reputation back in the early 90’s when you had a choice between Norton and McAfee and antivirus technology was nascent. That was long ago and far away, and things were different than today.  Anti-Virus technology is advanced and even the worst AV products can protect  you from simple viruses. Norton can’t tell the difference between a good file and a bad file, or obviously, a good site from a bad one.

Norton Symantec — you’ve proved us right again.



6 thoughts on “Norton Symantec Proves Us Right Again

  1. Sue

    Wow……this is the first time I’ve had Norton block your site! I’ve had Norton for quite a while and I’ve never had any problems before today 11-21-16. Very strange! Makes me wonder why I got the “unsafe” message when I’ve never had any trouble at all!

  2. Robert

    Having anything from you being labeled “dangerous” by Norton is like being called a sinner by all the convicts on ‘Death Row.” I have heard McAfee has turned their practices around for the better; but to me, both of those companies are Malware themselves.

  3. Muriel Schlecht

    In my opinion, any program that claims “safe surfing” is another censorship scam that steals your money. in addition to hurting safe respectable sites like this one. Doesn’t it make you wonder how many scummy unsafe sites aren’t flagged at all. I bet if C8 could come up with enough $$, they’d be listed “safe” in a flash. Pisses me off when you pay for a product to “protect” you, and it only protects their OWN bank accounts and CEO perks.
    I’d much rather pay to support C8 through a donation on my choice.

    I remember when I couldn’t live without Norton’s program called “Norton Utilities” to keep my Win98SE operating system in check and running smoothly. But that was decades ago. When I upgraded to WinXP I dumped Norton like a “hot potato”. It had turned into a miserable expensive bloated memory hog. It’s gotten very much worse since then. McAfee is just as bad. I agree with C8 200%. If ANYBODY is still using Norton, experiment a little by deleting it. and use EmsiSoft’s trial version for awhile. You have nothing to lose ’cause you can always reinstall Norton if that’s your choice.

  4. jungman

    I remember not too long ago working on a friends Laptop that was getting so slow and warning of running out of disk space. Turns out they were using Norton for which they had a paid subscription. It was making multiple backups of virtually every file with Norton Ghost to the point of filling the entire C-Drive. Once I got rid of Norton and all the multiple backups, their PC ran great again. So many people are stuck with Norton and McAfee because it’s usually pre-loaded crapware on new PC’s and people don’t take the time to educate themselves by reading some solid advice from great sites like Cloud 8.

  5. Bill Amstutz

    I switched from Norton to Emsisoft because my girlfriend gave me the idea to sign onto cloudeight newsletter, and when I told her my AV was blocking it, she said Norton was the problem. The first scan Emsisoft did found a lot of infections that Norton missed and I can read this newsletter again.

  6. Judy Ruzich

    I wish I had gotten this six months ago. I got Norton through Comcast and when we moved I lost it because I had to go to another ISP. The new ISP didn’t offer a free antivirus software, so I bought McAfee. When my subscription runs out, I’ll switch to Emisoft.


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