One Way to Troubleshoot Blue Screen Errors (BSODs)
Microsoft has updated its blue screen troubleshooter which may help you to figure out what’s causing your BSOD (Blue Screens of Death). It’s easy to use, but because of its simplicity it may not be able to help with you with your all possible BSODs – but hey, it’s worth a try, right?
It can help you with the following blue screen errors (and more):
It’s a question & answer set up. Each successive question is based on how you answered the previous question, until you finally arrive at an answer and, hopefully, a solution.
Microsoft has also added a “Need more help?” section to the page that’s essentially a search form you can use to research your BSODs. You’ll also find “Ask the (Microsoft) community” link and a Microsoft “Contact Us” link.
If you’re having problems with BSODs, you should give it a try. It may not always solve your problem, but it is certainly worth a try.
You can try the Microsoft Blue Screen Troubleshooter here.
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