Over 100 Tech Companies Come Together To Defend Net Neutrality

By | May 8, 2014

Google, Facebook, And Over 100 Tech Companies Come Together To Defend Net Neutrality

This afternoon, a coalition of more than 100 tech companies wrote a joint letter to the FCC standing in favor of net neutrality.

Since news of an FCC proposal that could threaten net neutrality broke on April 23, tech companies have remained silent, while open internet activists have led the charge against the FCC.

While the proposal is vague and offers no suggestions for reform or avenues of protest, the letter boasts a list of many of the tech industry’s most prominent companies like Amazon, Dropbox, eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Netflix, Tumblr, Twitter, and Yahoo.

Here’s the text of the letter below:

Read the rest of this BuzzFeed article here.

One thought on “Over 100 Tech Companies Come Together To Defend Net Neutrality

  1. Carolyn

    Wasn’t one of the last mentions of this involving big boys like Google standing to gain from such a move? Said move would give them more power over the net and shut out the “little guys”.


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