What’s Up With Airfare Watchdog?

The Web is getting trickier and trickier. We received several emails from users who use airfare watchdog to get airfare alerts. And we’ve used airfare watchdog before and have always considered it a legitimate site. This week our own EB received an alert from airfare watchdog (and, yes it was really from them) and when she clicked on… Read More »

What kind of stationery would you like?

While we’re waiting to see what Microsoft does with the “new” email program in Windows 8 (we’re testing Windows 8 Release Preview right now) we’d like you to tell us what you like. More than 60% of you have now moved to Windows 7 and you, like us, are probably very disappointed in the choice of email programs… Read More »

A Dream of Fire and Fear

The first thing I notice is the smoke, the smell of it. An acrid, cloying stink overwhelms my senses and crawls over and into me like a billion ethereal tendrils. The fear grows inside. It is a grotesque unyielding fear. It saturates me and makes it nearly impossible to open my eyes, my eyelids are heavy with terror.… Read More »

These People Need to Be Sued

We’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of people with their Windows computers. We were not surprised to see how many of these computer were barely running due to spyware and adware which people unknowing install thanks to the current developer fascination with bundling. Bundling is when developers bundle other software with the software you really want in… Read More »

Create a Flip-book E-book From Any Text File

Despite the fact that this program has virtually no documentation, help files or instructions, we think it’s a fun program for which you’ll find many uses. What this program does (and all it does) is create a flippable e-book from any text file. So if you can open Notepad and type something (and save a file) you can… Read More »