Skeptical Sandra Saves $29.95

Sandra’s skepticism saves her $29.95 What do you think about the software mentioned in this article: /. They are referring to ARO 2012 fixing registry errors and bringing your. Bring your computer back to like new status. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Maybe, maybe not. Our answer Hi Sandra. Your skepticism is totally appropriate. Either the article was written by someone with… Read More »

What Starts With Windows Runs With Windows

Most of you know that having a plethora of programs starting with Windows isn’t a good idea. Most of you know that those programs have to load with Windows thus slowing your boot up times. But did you know that what starts with windows runs with Windows – and each of those applications continually saps memory from your… Read More »

The Key To Windows: The Windows Key

Note: Win = Windows Key 🙂 Win+Space operates as a keyboard shortcut for Aero Peek. Win+Up and Win+Down are new shortcuts for Maximize and Restore/Minimize. Win+Shift+Up vertically maximizes the current window Win+Left and Win+Right snap the current window to the left or right half of the current display; successive key presses will move the window to other monitors… Read More »

Gone With the Wind…ows

Gone with the Windows Most companies who make software, including ours, will remind you to save a copy of your software registration emails in a safe place. So many people keep a copy of those emails in a folder in their email program – some may even save them in a folder in Documents or in a folder… Read More »

When and Why to Remove Old System Restore Points

Disk Cleanup can be used to remove all but the most recent Restore Point.  Do this only if your computer is running normally and you’re having no problems. If you are having problems you shouldn’t clear old restore points because you may have to go back to an earlier restore point. Restore points take up a lot of… Read More »