PasswordMonster: How Strong Are Your Passwords?

By | September 26, 2024


PasswordMonster: How Strong Are Your Passwords?

Password Monster is a straightforward online tool that quickly assesses the strength of your passwords. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their online security. It’s easy to use.

PasswordMonster - A Cloudeight Site Pick

PasswordMonster’s interface is simple and intuitive. It provides reliable assessments of password strength, helping you identify weak points and improve your online security. PasswordMonster is completely free.

But wait, there’s more! PasswordMonster not only allows you to check your passwords for strength but also offers information and tips about creating and using strong passwords and more.

The following info is from the Password Monster website:

Is it actually safe to use Password Checkers?

If you’re reading this section, then good – the quickest way to get hacked online is to be too trusting or assume websites are automatically safe. It’s good to be cautious and it’s never a good idea to enter your legitimate credentials into any website you are not confident about. The ones to watch especially are those who ask you to input your credentials.

So, why is this Password Strength Meter safe?

1. The passwords you type never leave your browser and we don’t store them (You can disconnect your internet connection and then try it if you wish).

2. All the checking is done on the page you’re on, not on our servers.

3. Even if the password was sent to us, we wouldn’t actually know who you were anyway – so couldn’t match it up to any usernames or any websites you may visit.

4. We’re in the business of making people more secure online and the last thing we want to see is passwords being transmitted across the internet insecurely.

How does My1Login’s Password Strength Checker work?

The password strength calculator uses a variety of techniques to check how strong a password is. It uses common password dictionaries, regular dictionaries, first name and last name dictionaries and others. It also performs substitution attacks on these common words and names, replacing letters with numbers and symbols – for example it’ll replace A’s with 4’s and @’s, E’s with 3’s, I’s with 1’s and !’s and many more. Substitution is very typical by people who think they’re making passwords stronger – hackers know this though so it’s one of the first things hacking software uses to crack a password.

The password strength meter checks for sequences of characters being used such as “12345” or “67890”.

It even checks for proximity of characters on the keyboard such as “qwert” or “asdf”.

Strong Passwords Tips and Tricks

Common mistakes and misconceptions

Replacing letters with digits and symbols. This technique is well known to hackers so swapping an “E” for a “3” or a “5” for a “$” doesn’t make you much more secure.

That meeting the minimum requirements for a password makes it strong. By today’s standards, an 8-character password won’t make you very secure.

That it’s fine to use the same password a lot as long as it’s strong – what if the website is hacked? Do you know how the website stores your password? What if they store it in plaintext…

PasswordMonster also identifies the biggest mistakes people make when using passwords listing  things such as:

  • Using easy passwords.
  • Reusing passwords.
  • Never changing passwords.
  • Sharing passwords insecurely.
  • Writing passwords down, or storing them on spreadsheets or smartphones.
  • Not using MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) where available.
    Using minimum-length passwords
  • Letting browsers save passwords

If you’re looking to improve your online safety IQ and check the strength of your passwords, visit PasswordMonster right now.

And…Thank you, Dotty, for suggesting this site!

One thought on “PasswordMonster: How Strong Are Your Passwords?

  1. Dotty Peacock

    You’re very welcome. I have used PasswordMonster for a long time and love it. I also love Cloudeight Info Ave. You people are the best and have never disappointed me. You are someone I trust with all my computer needs and are my go-to for answers. Thank you for all your help.


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