Power outages threaten a dark Christmas for thousands

By | December 24, 2013

Most of you who subscribe to our newsletters know that Cloudeight is located in Michigan…and unfortunately, we’re not immune to the terrible ice and snow storm which rumbled through Michigan last weekend.

Yep, we’re still without power — three days after the storm. Our Christmas will be a unique one for sure.

We have taken care of all of you (we hope) who have ordered products or services from us. Those of you waiting for an answer to your questions about our products or services — well, we have to ask your patience and understanding. Hopefully the electricity will be back on tomorrow – Christmas Day — and we’ll start catching up with the mail.

In the meantime, those of you who’ve ordered something should have received it by now. As of 2PM Eastern Time today we had all orders processed and sent out to customers. Thanks so much for your support.

Also, this has nothing to do with the storm damage –but we want to make you aware that we will not publish InfoAve Daily on Christmas Day. We’ll be back on Thursday with a fresh new slice of InfoAve Daily 🙂

Now-about that weekend storm which has caused so many problems for hundreds of thousands of people:

Power outages threaten a dark Christmas for thousands

The Red Cross is setting up warming centers and mobile food trucks in parts of Michigan.

A fierce winter storm that promises a White Christmas to many northerners may also deliver a dark Christmas for hundreds of thousands of others who have lost power in Michigan, Maine, Vermont and New York State.

More than 370,000 homes and businesses were still without power Tuesday morning in parts of central and northeastern U.S. after a weekend ice and snowstorm rolled across the region.

Brad Hoving, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids, Mich., said most people were without power in some counties between Grand Rapids and Lansing, Mich. Some may not have electricity until Wednesday or even Thursday, he said.

“It’s a big deal,” Hoving said. “It’s Christmas and we’ve just had a major ice storm,” with trees toppling over and ice-covered power lines.

In Michigan, more than 230,000 electric customers – including 58,000 in metro Detroit – were still blacked out in the state’s lower peninsula, the Detroit Free Press reports, quoting local energy providers…

Read the rest of this article — and watch the video — here.


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