Premium is Free – Invite your friends to join!

By | January 14, 2016

InfoAve Premium is now free! Please invite your friends to join!

Email address:
(required) Your name:

Windows Secrets newsletter recently announced they are doing away with their free newsletter and going with a paid subscription mode. Cloudeight InfoAve Premium is doing away with the paid subscription model and making InfoAve Premium a free newsletter. Soon, we will be merging Cloudeight News and InfoAve Premium into one newsletter – “Cloudeight InfoAve Premium” .

We hope by making our InfoAve Premium newsletter free for everyone, we will be making it easier for you to invite your friends to join us too. We think we have the best computer newsletter anywhere and we hope you do too. But we can only keep going if we continue to grow. You can help us by asking you friends to join us by sending them to this page or to the permanent subscribe form.

The easiest way to share this with as many friends as you like at once, is to scroll to the bottom of this article and click the “Email” button. You can share with as many friends as you want, just remember to separate each email address with a  comma.

Also, you can share this page with you friends.

The URL is:

Or the shortened URL is :

The link to the permanent subscribe page is:

Or the shortened version of the above link:

Please help spread the word and keep us growing. Since we’re now a free newsletter it should be easier for you to help us grow . We appreciate your help very much.

Email address:
(required) Your name:


19 thoughts on “Premium is Free – Invite your friends to join!

  1. Sue Moss

    I just sent your article to my friends on Facebook. I hope they all sign up. As far as I’m concerned, there is no better newsletter available. Thank you for years of helpful info.

    1. infoave Post author

      You are always welcome to share us on any social media. Thank you!

    1. infoave Post author

      All the links are clickable. Sounds like you have a browser issue.

    1. infoave Post author

      How else would you like us to maintain our sites and pay the bills? Do you watch TV? Does it have advertising? If you have any ideas how we can fund our business, pay our bills, and earn a living, please let us know right away. Do you know any billionaires who would like to give us yearly stipend? 🙂

      1. Richard

        This individual asked you a simple straightforward question, the tone of your reply was uncalled for.

  2. Pierre Blancard

    And I’m answering you in a straight forward way…. Don’t ask stupid questions!

  3. Jean

    I made a mistake, I am going to give a couple email addresses:

    k @
    c @
    f @

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks for sharing us with your friends. I changed the email addresses so your friends’ address are protected.

  4. Gail Peterson

    Just shared this on my FaceBook page and told everyone just how much they will enjoy & learn from your once weekly newsletter. I joined when you first started and will continue. Love your help, advice, products & your computer repairs. Thanks for making this free and most likely helping many, many more people

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks so much for sharing our newsletter on Facebook, Gail. We appreciate it so much!

  5. Jean

    I just went on Facebook to let my friends know about Cloudeight.

    Thank you for all your help you gave me for many years

    Happy Valentines day to both of you

  6. Pat

    If the premium page is free now, why do I keep getting a notice to renew and it sends me to a page that wants to bill me?

    1. infoave Post author

      We have covered this nearly every week in the newsletter…for example:

      Our InfoAve Premium newsletter is now free!

      Your all Premium subscribers now. Whether you were subscribed to our Premium newsletter or our Free newsletter you’re all Premium subscribers now. If you were paying an annual subscription at any time, please log in to PayPal and cancel this so you are not charged.

      We hope by making our InfoAve Premium newsletter free for everyone, we will be making it easier for you to invite your friends to join us too. We think we have the best free computer newsletter anywhere, and we hope you do too. But we can only keep going if we continue to grow. You can help us by asking you friends to join us.

      If you need help cancelling a subscription with PayPal – you’ll find this page helpful:

      Thanks for being a subscriber!


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