Prevent a Troublesome Windows Update from Reinstalling
Note: This tip applies to cumulative updates and other regular “Patch Tuesday” Windows 10 updates. This does not apply to Windows 10 version updates. If a version update causes you problems, by default, you have 10 days to go back to the previous version of Windows 10. See our article here if you have a version update that’s causing problems.
By default, Windows 10 keeps your device is automatically updated with the latest features, security patches, and bug fixes.
We are all aware by now that sometimes a Windows 10 update can cause problems with your PC. In this case, you’ll need a way to prevent the problematic update from reinstalling automatically the next time Windows Updates are installed.
If an update is causing system crashes, problems, or instability on your PC, you can follow the instructions below, to prevent the unwanted update from being installed:
Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Updates .and then click on View update history:
Then click on Uninstall updates.
To uninstall the unwanted update, select it from the list by clicking on it and then click Uninstall.
Now, you’re all set until next time Windows updates and reinstalls the update you just worked so hard to uninstall. So, you have more work to do, if you want to prevent Windows from reinstalling that trouble-causing update.
To prevent the update from being reinstalled, download the “Show or hide updates” troubleshooter package now.
When you click on the download link, you will be prompted to open or save wushowhide.diagcab. Save it to your PC, and click to run it.
Opening wushowhide.diagcab will launch the troubleshooter. Then click Next to proceed and follow the instructions provided by the troubleshooter to hide the problematic driver or update.
When the program starts to run, you’ll see it scanning your computer for updates. When it’s done, you’ll see a window like this one.
Click on “Hide updates”
Windows will display all pending updates:
You’ll see a list of available updates. Select the update or updates that are causing you problems. Windows will not reinstall the items you select. You can choose to install the hidden updates later by running the troubleshooter again and “unhiding” the updates.
Keep in mind that this does not stop updates from installing. It only allows you to uninstall updates that have been installed and are causing problems. It does not apply to version updates. Windows 10 version updates have a rollback feature – you have 10 days to go back to the previous version of Windows if a version update causes you problems. See this page to learn how to roll back a Windows 10 version update.