Linda wants to know how to get back here “Pin to start menu” back
My question is the link to pin to the start menu has disappeared on my computer. Can you help?
Our answer
Hi, Linda. There are two ways you can to this. The first way should fix your problem, but if not we’ve included another option.
Method #1
Open a RUN dialog box by holding down the Windows Key and pressing the “R” key.
Enter the following command:
regsvr32 /i shell32.dll
Press Enter.
Now restart your system. Your problem should be fixed. If not, try Method #2.
Method #2
Download this small zip file. Extract the .reg file from it, and right-click it and choose “Merge”. Say OK to the warning then reboot. This should solve your problem.
I’d like to know how to get “Run as administrator” back on my context menu.
wonder if u can help i can play music on my built in cd player but wont play or take cd or dvd films they say i havent got libv/.dll missing wonder if u can help me