Ransomware is Everywhere: You’ll Want to Bookmark This Page

By | May 17, 2016

Ransomware is Everywhere: You’ll Want to Bookmark This Page

Ransomware is a special kind of malware that locks most of your personal files so you can’t use them or even view them until you pay a ransom to the criminal who created the malware. Until now, there was very little you could to save all your precious personal files without paying the ransom. And the ransoms being asked can run into the hundreds of dollars.

Our friends at Emsisoft, have created a page of decrypter programs that you can download and use to decrypt your personal files without paying hundreds of dollars. In fact, Emsisoft provides all 14 of these decrptyer programs free of charge; they also provide easy-to-follow instructions on how to use them.

In all there are decrypters for 14 different types of encryption ransomware – so this Emsisoft page is a page you’ll want to bookmark.

Here’s an example from Emsisoft’s Decrypter page:

Emsisoft Decrypter for AutoLocky

AutoLocky is a new ransomware written in the popular scripting language AutoIt. It tries to imitate the complex and sophisticated Locky ransomware, but is nowhere near as complex and sophisticated, which makes decryption feasible.

Victims of AutoLocky will find their files encrypted and renamed to *.locky. Unlike the real Locky ransomware however, AutoLocky will not change the base name of the file. So if a file named picture.jpg is encrypted, AutoLocky will rename it to picture.jpg.locky while the actual Locky ransomware will change it to a random name. In addition victims will find a ransom note on their Desktop with the file name info.txt or info.html…

Emsisoft Decrypter for PClock

Use this decrypter if your files have been encrypted without a change in file extension, the malware identifies itself as “CryptoLocker” and you find a “enc_files.txt” in your user profile directory.
Emsisoft provides all 14 decrypters, free of charge. So, it would be a good thing for you to bookmark the Emsisoft Decrypter page because, as we often like to say: It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
Al word to the wise: A good security program like Emsisoft can help protect you from the miscreants and from the malware that abounds on the web. If you aren’t using Emsisoft, please visit his page. We offer great prices on Emsisoft products and we’re proud to be an official Emsisoft reseller.
And one final word to the wise:
The best way to stay safe is by using common sense and reasonable caution – because the best way to deal with malware is not to get it in the first place, I tells ya!


9 thoughts on “Ransomware is Everywhere: You’ll Want to Bookmark This Page

  1. Sandy G

    I was trying to repair a computer and worked with Emsisoft. Unfortunately, my client’s computer has the Teslacrypt Ransomware. There isn’t a fix for that. Emsisoft said if my client wants his files back, he needs to pay the ransom. Bummer.

    1. infoave Post author

      I don’t think Emsisoft or anyone else ever claimed to make a decrypter for everu conceivable type of ransomware. There are dozens and dozens. We constantly remind our readers that the best way to fix ransomware it not to get it in the first place. All it takes is reasonable caution and common sense. Most ransomware infects computers via attachments in email. We warn people all the time NEVER OPEN AN ATTACHMENT IN EMAIL unless they are 100% sure they know who sent it, they were expecting it, and they know what it is.

      Remind your clients of that – it will help them in future.

  2. Barb

    Emsisoft to the rescue again! I haven’t yet experienced the need for their decrypters, but what a valuable asset in the event of being a victim! I never seem to stop singing the praises of Emsisoft, their capable team stand behind their products and offer personal assistance if needed. Anyone who hasn’t yet tried Emsisoft would do well to find out what it is that makes me such an ardent fan.

  3. Barb

    I was just wondering about these decrypters. If your computer’s locked/frozen, how would you even get to that webpage? Thx

    1. Dianne C

      I have been wondering the same thing, if your pc is locked up, would that not also prevent you from going on the internet to download the decrypters

    2. infoave Post author

      Most ransonware does not lock your computer, it locks your personal files like documents, images, videos, music so you can’t access them. In most cases it does not lock your browser – because some ransomware requires you to access a page on the Web to make payment and purchase the decryption key. Locking your browser would defeat the purpose of the ransomware.

      Emsisoft posted that page for people who have the kinds of ransomware listed on that page. Obviously, if you are unlucky enough to have the kind of ransomeware that locks your computer – that page or this site cannot help you.

      I think it is great the Emsisoft took the time to create all those decryption programs which have undoubtedly helped thousands of people unlock their encrypted personal files. And we thought would be nice if our readers knew about that page.

      We never said (nor did Emsisoft) that the page covers all known ransomware. I am sure many have found that page helpful.

  4. Durl

    I had windows 7 and got this Ransomware. I did a system restore and it worked good enough for me. I couldn’t do anything on my pc till I did.


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