Real News? Fake News? Here’s the News We Choose!

By | September 20, 2022



Real News? Fake News? Here’s the News We Choose!

The world is getting more splintered. We have far-right, far-left, alt-left, and alt-right, plain old right, and plain old left, and nobody seems to care about the good old center. We can’t even get the news anymore without some talking head telling us what to think.

Enough we tells ya! Today we’re featuring a site with news we choose. Funny, weird, strange news…, news we can all use.

Tow truck used to lift massive alligator out of Texas road
Sept. 19 (UPI) — An alligator found in the middle of a Texas road was so large that authorities ended up getting help from a tow truck to lift the reptile into the bed of a pickup truck…

Police remove snake from Alabama toilet
Sept. 19 (UPI) — Police in Alabama responded to a residence to deal with an unusual situation when the homeowner found a snake in their toilet…

Idaho man rides unicycle over 30 miles while juggling
Sept. 19 (UPI) — An Idaho man rode a unicycle for more than 30 miles while juggling to break a Guinness World Record…

‘Unpatriotic’ raccoons repeatedly invade official’s home, poop on flag
Sept. 16 (UPI) — A county official in New York said his home has repeatedly been invaded by raccoons — and one of the “unpatriotic” animals pooped on a flag…

Google mistakenly deposits $249,999 into security expert’s account
Sept. 16 (UPI) — A Google spokesperson said a nearly $250,000 payment placed in the account of a confused cybersecurity professional was the “result of human error”…

Missing cat returns home, rings doorbell in New York
Sept. 16 (UPI) — A New York family’s security camera was recording when their cat, missing for four days, returned home and rang the doorbell to be let inside…

Arizona shop’s 266 milkshake flavors earn Guinness World Record
Sept. 15 (UPI) — An Arizona ice cream shop earned a Guinness World Record by offering 266 milkshake flavors — and making them all in just over an hour…

Loose goat ‘terrorizes’ Arizona residents, pees on deputy
Sept. 14 (UPI) — An Arizona sheriff’s office said a loose goat “terrorized” a community for hours before being apprehended — and promptly urinating on a deputy…

That’s enough for now… there are a lot more where those came from. UPI has six full pages of odd news everyone can muse…It’s the kind of news we choose for today’s angry and divided world.

Come on people now, smile … read the news we choose…Odd News from UPI.

PS: Please forgive TC for a couple of the news selections. It’s his “potty humor” “seeping” through.


3 thoughts on “Real News? Fake News? Here’s the News We Choose!

  1. Rebecca

    One of the things that separates Cloudeight from all the other Windows help site is your sense of humor. You make computer fun even with all the failed upgrades, malware, scams, and so on.

    I will continue to send my donations monthly and do all I can to make sure Cloudeight never disappears from the internet.

    I love you guys!

  2. Janis

    My favorite is the “Loose Goat.” This “Billy” is a Nubian. Having had over a hundred Nubians, I’m familiar with the bucks (“Billy”). They look like a wildebeest and can behave like one too. Quite a challenging handful, not to mention the, let’s say, olfactory perception. The baa-d gals love it though. Anyway, really great news site and one I’ll visit every day.

  3. Sally Thomas

    I only cruise the “news” sites in order to find the type of things you listed. Best news includes anything to do with animals…..mostly dogs.


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