Saturday Bonus Questions and Answers – 012525

By | January 25, 2025



Saturday Bonus Questions and Answers – 012525

This is the last Bonus Questions and Answers for this extremely cold January and I’m glad. Goodbye January!  Enough blathering,! It’s Saturday and time for another edition of Saturday Bonus Questions and Answers.

Sometimes the best tips and tricks are hidden in the questions and answers we publish. And rarely do we post questions and answers on this website. Today, we’re featuring some of the questions and answers from past issues of our InfoAve Weekly newsletters. 

These questions & answers were selected at random from past InfoAve Weekly newsletters.

Saturday Bonus Questions and Answers – 012525

Carol wants to make Gmail her default email program on Windows
Hi; Hope you can help me with something. I do not use Thunderbird anymore and do not use my RoadRunner email address anymore. I use only Gmail.

The way my computer is set up, and I want to send something email, the email comes up either the RR or Thundercloud accounts and I cannot send email.

What do I need to do to make GMAIL my default? If you can send me instructions I can do it myself.

Our answer
Hi Carol. You cannot make Gmail your default easily unless you use Chrome and make a lot of changes in Windows. If you use Google Chrome and want to try setting up Gmail as your default see this tutorial.

You can also make a dedicated shortcut on your desktop and your taskbar for Gmail – that will open your Gmail account without having to open another browser window. For instructions on how to do that, see our tutorial here.

We hope these suggestions help you, Carol.

Michael wants to know how to clear browsing history in Microsoft Edge
I recently started using the new Microsoft Edge browser and I really like it. But I don’t know how to clear the browsing history. I’m a Firefox convert. How do I clear the browsing history in Edge? Thanks for all you guys do to help us all. Michael.

Our answer
Hi Michael. Thanks! It’s really easy to clear browsing history in the new Edge.

1. Open Edge
2. Type edge://settings/clearBrowserData in the address bar and press Enter.
3. A menu will open. Choose the time range “All time”, and make sure “Browsing history”, “Cookies and other site data”, and “Cached images and files” are selected, then press the “Clear now” button.

That’s all there is to it, Michael.

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Richard wants an app to prevent recipients from forwarding and copying emails
A long time back you touted an app that blocked users from forwarding, copying and maybe deleting emails as a form of security. I am certain it was an app but I do not remember its label, so I cannot find it. Do you remember such an app?

PS. Your site is marvelous. I have promoted it both on my website and in my monthly newsletter. Have been using it for years now. Stay healthy, stay safe… Best, Richard

Our answer
Hi Richard. Thank you for your very kind comments and your support.

I am guessing here, but I think what you’re referring to is not an app but a Gmail feature. If we’re guessing right, it’s called “Confidential mode”.

It was not an app, it was a Gmail feature. While it’s called Confidential mode, we call it self-destructing email. The email cannot be copied, saved, or forwarded. We are guessing that this is what you were looking for.

You can turn it on or off from the compose window in Gmail

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See this page for more information about Gmail’s “Confidential Mode”.

We hope this helps you, Richard.

Richard wrote back: “Hi TC. That’s exactly what I was looking for re: self-destructive email. Thank you… Richard.”

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Paula has a problem with Task Manager on Windows 11
Hi TC & EB. I upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Overall, I’m pretty happy with Windows 11. But today I ran into a problem. When I open Task Manager it won’t stay open. It opens for a second and then closes. I looked online for a fix but I don’t want to edit the registry. Can you help me, please? Thanks, Paula.

Our answer
Hi Paula. Before you do anything else, try this:

1. Shut down your computer (power it off)
2. Make sure no lights are on and everything is off
3. Wait 5 minutes.
4. Power on (turn on) your computer.

Wait for Windows to fully load and then try opening Task Manager.

Let us know if that fixes Task Manager.
Paula wrote back: “Thank you so much. It worked perfectly. Task Manager is now opening and staying open. Thanks so much. You guys are the best. Paula”

Sandy is thinking about using Microsoft OneDrive instead of an external drive
I have been using an external hard drive to store all of my data. I don’t store it on my computer’s hard drive. I’ve been thinking of ditching the external hard drive and using Microsoft One Drive. Is it possible to use One Drive like it’s an external hard drive? If so, how do you do that? I have read that I can load it to my external hard drive and use them both, but it talks about if you remove the hard drive and don’t stop One Drive you have issues. I’m not sure I would remember that when disconnecting my hard drive to take it somewhere with me. So what I’m looking for is, can I use One Drive like a hard drive, point my Word, etc., to find my documents and save my documents to One Drive only? Thanks again, Sandy.

Our answer
Hi Sandy. I’m going to try to answer your questions about OneDrive but there are a lot of variables. Cloud storage is like an external drive yet it isn’t. With an external drive, your files are available anytime – whether you’re online or not. OneDrive can be set up to store files online and on your computer… or only online only.

OneDrive backs up all your user files and folders (Pictures, Documents, Desktop, Music, Videos, Favorites, etc.) But the free version of OneDrive only gives you 5 GB of backup space – not nearly enough to back up all your personal files. However, if you purchase or already have Microsoft 365 (which is a Microsoft Office subscription you can get for as little as $6.99 a month) you get 1 TB (1000 GB) of space which should be plenty enough to back up all your personal files.

If you don’t have one, you can get a Microsoft 365 personal subscription for $69.99 a year or $6.99 a month here.

OneDrive comes pre-installed on all Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. You’ll find it listed in the Start menu as OneDrive. To use it all you have to do is open it, sign into it with a Microsoft account (a @hotmail or or or email address). If you have Microsoft 365 you already have a Microsoft account.

The only way you’d have issues with the current backup is if you removed the external hard drive and you didn’t uninstall or turn off the current backup program to prevent it from continuing to try to make backups on the external drive that no longer exists (because you unplugged it). Then you would get a lot of error messages from the backup program – but still, it would not affect the OneDrive backup. You would need to stop the current backup as soon as you set up OneDrive. I do not know what backup program you are currently using, but if you’re using File History, it’s easy to turn off.

This is a general overview of OneDrive backups and I hope at least it gives you some ideas. If you have more questions, just let us know.

Rob wants to know how to set up File History so it doesn’t run out of space
Hi Guys. I’m using Windows 10. I have just switched on File History and would like to know what one does when the external hard drive gets full. Do you have to format and start again or replace it with a new hard drive? Please excuse what most may think is a stupid question. Regards, Rob.

Our answer
Hi Rob. There’s no such thing as a stupid question except for a question not asked.

You can set File History to keep files until space is needed so you’ll never run out of space. Under Backup options, under “Keep my backups” > “Until space is needed”.

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This option will delete the oldest backups to make room for newer backups.

We hope this helps you, Rob.

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Sandi doesn’t want to use a password
I have had to start all over again with one of my computers with a clean copy of Windows 10 from the Cloud. You used to have an article a long while ago about how to bypass PINs and passwords etc. and just have the computer come on at the start page. Have you written an article about how to bypass this feature in Windows 10 and 11, and if so, how do I go about doing it? The computer is a home computer and I’m the only one who uses it.

Our answer
Hi Sandi. Windows 10 has changed. Unless you want to use a local account (local accounts lack some features) you’re going to have to do some sort of sign-in. We recommend you set up a 4-digit PIN. PINs are easier to remember than passwords and offer some protection. Our feelings are that you should always use at least a PIN. Even if no one else but you has access to your PC. malware and bots can access an unprotected computer. If you have an administrator account on your Windows 10 (or Windows 11) PC and remove the password, you potentially give enhanced access to any malicious apps running on your device. Setting up a PIN is easy and does not require you to enter a username every time you log in.

If you’re still interested in no protection for your account without going through the work of creating a local account take a look at Autologon by Microsoft Sysinternals. Once you set it up, as its name suggests, it will automatically log you in.
Sandi wrote back: “Thank you for answering my question. I’m always learning from your website, and I appreciate all of your information. Please never go away!”

Charles has an old Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Key and wants to know if it’s still good
I purchased a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care key on July 12, 2016, and I’ve never had to use it thanks to your newsletters and tips and trick. Is my Cloudeight still good or do they expire?

Our answer
Hi Charles. Thanks for the nice comments. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care repair keys never expire. They are good until you use them. We are glad we have helped you keep your computer running well. Thanks again, Charles.

Debbie is about to throw Chrome to the Curb
I have a question about Google (Chrome) browser. Ever since Google updated its browser, there are many sites I can no longer get into. I’m about ready to pull my hair out! I have changed privacy settings, and whitelisted sites, and still, I can’t access them. I cannot access:
…and others.

Is there something else I can do? I’m about to throw Google Chrome to the curb!

Our answer
Hi Debbie. is not accessible from any of my browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera). Either the site no longer exists or it’s down. I have no problem going to in Chrome. And we have not noticed any degradation of function in Chrome with any of the recent updates.

We suggest you reset Chrome and clear the cache. it only takes a few minutes and you won’t lose your bookmarks or saved passwords. Here is one of our tutorials on resetting Chrome and clearing its cache.

We hope this helps you, Debbie.

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Jeanne wants to know how to set up a Gmail account in Outlook
Hi Darcy and TC. Once again, I need your help. I am trying to configure my email so Settings and Mail, but I can’t find POP and IMAP. Under Mail is Layout, Compose and reply, Attachments, Rules, Sweep, Junk email, Customize actions, Sync (says “Unable to load these settings”), Message handling, Forwarding, Automatic replies, and subscriptions. Please help me so I can get my Gmail set up in Outlook. Thank you very much and God bless you. Jeanne.

Our answer
Hi Jeanne. We don’t know what version of Outlook you have. If you have the current version or a recent version you can set up accounts (including Gmail accounts) this way…

Click “File” at the top.

Then click “Info”.

Under “Account Information”, look for “Account Settings”.

When you click Account Settings you will see several items appear… the one you want is at the top.

It says “Add or remove accounts or change existing connection settings”.

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Click on Account Settings in the drop-down (it is the first one).

The Email accounts dialog will open. Click on Email then “New”.

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Once you click on New > Email the following dialog will appear. Just type in the email address you want to set up. And click “Connect’.

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After you click Connect you’ll be asked to type in your email account password. After you enter your password click “Sign in”.

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Note that if you are setting up a Gmail account when you click “Connect” a Google sign-in page will appear where you’ll need to enter your username and password which will then be passed to Outlook.

Outlook can automatically configure Gmail,,,, and several others so you don’t have to do anything as far as server settings, etc. Outlook automatically set up email accounts as IMAP and this is the way it should be.

Also note, if necessary, you can change existing accounts this way too.

We hope this helps you, Jeanne.

Sharon K. wants to know where to get Windows 11
Is Windows 11 free to download? And if so, how do I do it? I have an HP computer with Windows 10.

Our answer
Hi Sharon, You can upgrade Windows 10 to Windows 11 (providing your PC’s hardware supports it) by going to this page.

Before you try to upgrade, go to this page and make sure your PC can run Windows 11; not all Windows 10 computers can.

We hope this helps you, Sharon.

Jimmie has a friend who is locked out of their PC
I have a good friend that has an HP Pavilion laptop. They stopped using it due to poor internet service from their satellite provider (they live in a rural area). After about a year the pandemic came along, and they loaned it to their grandchildren to use for remote learning.

Fast forward to the present. They now have fiber internet and when they started to use it again, they couldn’t get past the login screen. Someone changed the password for Windows, and no one can remember the password. I have searched your site and have been unable to find any info to help them. Naturally, they didn’t create a disc or thumb drive to reset it before loaning it out.

So, the question is there anything that can be done to reset/change the login password without a disc or thumb drive? Thank you in advance for any information or assistance you can give. You have helped me on several occasions, and I hope you can help me help them.

Thanks for being there. Jimmie

Our answer
Hi Jimmie, if they used a Microsoft account to sign in originally, and have access to an internet-connected device, they can reset their password online. See this page.

There are password recovery tools you can buy for $30 to $50. Here’s one.

The only other way we know they’ll be able to access their computer is by doing a factory reset. The only way to do this without a Windows installation disk is to do a factory reset. This will return the laptop to the state it was in the day it was purchased. This means if it came with Windows 7, it would reset to Windows 7 but Windows 10 is still a free upgrade. It will also wipe all the data from the machine so you’ll be starting from scratch. See this page to learn how to reset an HP laptop.

If the laptop came with Windows 10 then it will have Windows 10 after the reset. If it had Windows 7 (purchased before July 2015) visit this page and update to Windows 10 free.

Doing a factory reset will allow you to create a user account and password/PIN and it will be like setting up a new computer.

We hope this helps you, Jimmie.

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