Shutdown Windows in 30 seconds

By | January 9, 2014

If for some reason you can’t shut down your computer from your start menu, you have an option that many people don’t now about. It’s been part of Windows for a long time.

This trick applies to Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7  and Windows 8 / 8.1 (both 32bit and 64 bit versions).

You can try this trick even if you’re not having problems. I will terminate all running processes and programs in 30 seconds – and you’ll have no option to cancel the shutdown sequence. So if you want to try this tip, be sure you don’t have any unfinished work open. If you do, you’ll lose it.

OK here’s the trick:

Press the Windows Key + R
In the command line type shutdown /s
Press Enter

Your computer will shut down in 30 seconds.

If you want to restart your computer use shutdown /r

Pretty easy. Pretty quick. Don’t leave any work unfinished, or you’ll be mighty sick.

9 thoughts on “Shutdown Windows in 30 seconds

  1. Joan

    Another great piece of knowledge. Thank you, very much. This has happened to me and the ctrl alt del did not work.

  2. Brian

    Hi I tried this and yes it worked but the restart is a bit useless as the computer is switched off so when the start button is pressed the computer starts and loads up so what is the sense of the shutdown /r as the computer is off and this can`t be used.
    Also you should have mentioned the space between the word shutdown and the forward slash.

  3. Linda

    Brian, perform only one operation at a time, either “s” if you want to shutdown in 30 seconds, or “r” if you want to shutdown in 30 seconds and restart all in the same operation. I tried the “r” and my computer shut off and then came back on all by itself. Try it.

  4. Grandpa_Bev

    Yes you can make a short cut key on a the Desktop or Start page.
    I use C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /r /t 10 for Restart and
    C:\windows\System32\shutdown /s /t 10 for Shutdown

    The properties of each was opened and the Icons were changed with buttons found on the Internet using Google Image Search.

  5. Jane

    Can you also create a desktop short cut to log off as the current user?

  6. Jim Davis

    Why fool with this? All computers have an on/off switch on the front or back. Works pretty good when computer won”t respond to normal commands.

    1. infoave Post author

      Because shutting down your computer with the power switch can cause Windows problems – major problems. It should only be done as a last resort.


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