Stylize your font in Gmail

By | June 25, 2011

Most you Gmail users know you can set and change fonts, font sizes, and colors, in Gmail on a per-email basis. But did you know you know you can set a default font – even change the default color? Yes, if you wish, you can even drive your recipients nuts by using bold text or huge fonts. If you like to annoy people, use 24-point, bold, red font. That really irritates most folks 🙂

Here’s how to change your default font in Gmail:

Go and log in to your account
Click on the “Settings” icon in the top right corner (it looks like a gear)
In the Settings dialog that opens, click on “Labs.”
Scroll down the list of options until you come to “Default Text Styling” (figure below).
Now click “Enable.”
Scroll down to near the bottom of the page and click the button labeled “Save changes.”

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But wait! You have more to do!

Go back into “Settings”
If “Settings” doesn’t automatically open to the “General” tab, click the “General” tab to open it
Scroll down to “Default text style”
Use the toolbar to change settings (see image below)
Don’t forget to click “Save Changes”

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That’s it!

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