Tag Archives: hackers

A hacker stole millions of names and email addresses – Were you a victim too?

A “hacker” stole millions of names and email addresses –were you a victim too? Information is the new gold. Information about you is being collected and collated and, unfortunately, shared with companies and organizations without your knowledge, permission, or consent. The companies who collect this information are companies you do business with and trust. Companies like Best Buy,… Read More »

Strong passwords: The key to your security

Do you use passwords like 12345 or djones525 or katybelle1234? In the age of “the cloud” it’s more important than ever that you use strong and secure passwords. Server security has gotten better and better, encryption has gotten stronger and stronger, but all that means nothing if your password is something like “password” or tom1234 or penny6129. If… Read More »

Beware of strange emails

Hi. Read here: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Have you been getting emails from friends that have the subject “Hi” and nothing in the body but a link and the words, “Read here” or “click here”? Take a look below. If you get an email the body of which has something like this: Read here: http://ahojjkk.revaos.com/ You… Read More »