Tag Archives: Windows 10

How to Export Contacts From Outlook.com [Microsoft Accounts]

How to Export Contacts From Outlook.com [Microsoft Accounts] All Microsoft accounts are now accessed through Outlook.com. So if you have an email address that ends in  @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @msn.com, @live.com, @live.ca). this tip is for you.  Most of you who have Microsoft addresses know that Microsoft has consolidated them all into Outlook.com. So if you have any Microsoft… Read More »

Emsisoft Protects You From the WCry Ransomware Pandemic

Emsisoft Protects You From the Current WCry Ransomware Pandemic The WCry or WannaCry ransomware is wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of computers around the world including the giant Spanish telecom Telefonica and the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. WCry is also known as WNCry, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r or Wana Decrypt0r. It was found in early February 2017.… Read More »