Tell Us What Email Program You Use – A Cloudeight Poll

By | November 3, 2016

Tell Us What Email Program You Use – A Cloudeight Poll

With the recent announcement by Microsoft that it won’t support Windows Live Mail after January 2017 and it’s previous announcement that it is phasing out support for Microsoft email addresses (,,,, in Windows Live Mail — and with the very frequent Windows 10 updates that break Windows Mail, Windows 10 users have found themselves scrambling to find a mail program they like and trust.

In this week’s poll, we want to know what Email program you are currently using. If you don’t see your favorite mail program listed in the poll, add it next to “other”.

If you’re using Gmail,, or your ISP’s mail on the web, we consider those Web Mail services, and in our poll they’re all considered forms of “Web Mail”.

[polldaddy poll=9570070]


42 thoughts on “Tell Us What Email Program You Use – A Cloudeight Poll

  1. Sally Thomas

    I was crushed when I had to switch from OE and Windows XP. I now have a Vista setup which means I had to replace my beloved Outlook Express. OE was so user friendly and the closest I could find was Thunderbird.

  2. Maggie

    A very new user of eM Client suggested by you . At the moment very impressed but of course disappointed that I am still unable to find an e-mail program that allows me to create my own stationery especially with the Festive Season almost on us. Wish one and all a very happy Festive Season and hope that the little man in the red suit is good to one and all.

  3. Liz Williams

    Windows Mail – don’t like outlook – takes too long to load and delete – have yet to find a decent one as you have to notify all your contacts of your new email.

    1. Darcy

      Using a different email program does not require you to change your email address. Email programs are setup with your current email address, for example Thunderbird that we are recommending.

      Darcy, Cloudeight

  4. Sue Kemp

    Outlook (with office 2013) for personal email, three gmail accounts, one excite mail for other purposes. One gmail account specifically as my Facebook email.

  5. Shirley B. Woods

    using windows live mail. I don’t like the new outlook at all!
    don’t like yahoo or gmail
    I don’t want to have to redo all of my email addresses either, had trouble importing and or syncing address book.
    I hated losing outlook express. I love using the stationary way back when.

    1. infoave Post author

      You don’t have to change email addresses when you change email programs. We are making stationery for Thunderbird – we’ll be releasing 2 new collections very soon.

  6. Fran Axe

    I think I have windows live mail. How do I know for sure ?? How can I find out?

    1. infoave Post author

      If you open the program it will tell you on the title bar (the very top strip at the top of the program) The name of program will be at at the left edge.

  7. Dotty Peacock

    I use IncrediMail. I have been using it since it first came out. I have heard bad things about it, but it has always been good to me. All my gmail account in one place and I can use cloud eight stationary and smiliey, or use IncrediMail and make my own. I also use Emsisoft to protect all my computers.

    1. Darcy

      You can use all your gmail accounts and all email accounts in any email program. Incredimail installs many programs, oftentimes browser search and start hijackers, and they hold your mail hostage if setup as pop3 and you have to pay them to export it. We have been getting notices their stock is dropping rapidly and will soon be under $1 per share.. which makes us wonder how long they will be around and/or scrambling to find new ways to make more money on their search and browser hijackers or other “creative” ways.

      We have uninstalled Incredimail on request from many computers and found there were 30,000 + entries of its files on a system. That to us is “Incredible”.


  8. Muriel Schlecht

    I use Outlook (2010) as my resident email, because it came with my laptop, but I very much prefer the prior version. In my opinion that makes TWO email programs Microsoft screwed up. There STILL isn’t any program better than OE and I’d even buy it if Microsoft would make it available WITHOUT changing it.
    I have Thunderbird installed, but haven’t used it yet.
    I use gmail strictly as my web email, I have several gmail accounts but still don’t like how Google “improved” it a couple years ago.

    1. Darcy

      You can setup all your gmail accounts, and other email addresses in Thunderbird or any email program. Just an idea in case you want all your addresses organized and in the same place (they stay separated in the mail programs too).


  9. Margaret Crozier

    I used to use your fabulous stationery all the time. Loved it and so did those to whom I wrote. Due to so many changes in email programs, now most of us use gmail which doesn’t support your stationery. Grrr.

    1. infoave Post author

      Gmail is very easy to setup in Thunderbird for those that want a mail program vs going to the web. We have setup many gmail accounts in Thunderbird. You can setup as many email accounts as you want in Thunderbird, so all mail can be checked in the same place, ie., gmail, your mail that came with your isp, etc.


  10. Anthony Tarr

    I will never understand why Microsoft gave up using Outlook Express, the very best email programme they ever had and I go way back to an XT and DOS 3.1 when you used things called Pine and Elm. I recently acquired a modern laptop with Win Live Mail, which is a pain in the xxxx! and Win 10, but made to look like Win 7, I cannot bear all the LARGE updates and things like BITS which send data back to MS, what for?? Why should MS be interested in what I do on MY computer, I live far away in South Africa, so interested that they have a special programme called Background Intelligence Transmission Service, which you cannot turn off unless I use the Command Prompt to kill it, but it always sneaks back and uses up large chunks of my expensive 10GB of Bandwidth

    1. Darcy

      Only problem with Outlook is you have to pay for it montly, yearly, or if you purchase outright, it is quite expensive. If you setup mail accounts as imap, mail is never lost and saved on the mail server no matter what mail program you use. Just a thought 🙂

      Darcy, Cloudeight

  11. Jason Miller

    I purchased MS Office 2013 Professional and it included Outlook, which I have been using for a while. This was an upgrade from Office 2003 Professional. I made that choice when OE got retired because I knew Outlook would be around for a very long time. It is used in a great may companies. I loved OE because of your stationary. I wish Outlook would use it also but I know it cannot. I have never had a problem with Outlook and can do a lot of things with it. It is customizable to suit my needs and reads any attachment I get. The address book could use a few tweaks but it works good enough for me. I also needed Word and Excel for my Wife who still does some things at home for work.

  12. Rich Hopkins

    I use gmail on the web. I’ve never understood the need for an email program and didn’t like it when I had to use Outlook on my work computer.

    1. infoave Post author

      I don’t see any email clients on tha page – maybe I’m missing something.

        1. Joan

          Sorry. I’ll be more careful next time to not include links. I just want people to read and decide for themselves.

          Have a wonderful evening!


          1. infoave Post author

            Don’t be sorry. It’s fine. I just checked out the links and the program. Everything appears to be safe. I just installed the program and looked to be sure there were no ‘tricks’ – there were none. We encourage you and others to send us freeware to look at. I’m deleting my prior comment since it’s no longer relevant.

  13. Irene Vandersteen

    I all ways liked OE, and also windows live, but lost that with windows 10 critical update, now using yahoo not found of it , don’t understand gmail at all, computer is 6 yrs old, still working fine but don’t want to spent money to install thunderbird, my luck computer will crash, just wait till i have to get a new computer and have it installed.

  14. Tony

    I find it very confusing when Hotmail is called outlook and Microsoft office is also called outlook. I use Microsoft outlook office 2007 but only for my personal mail and find it very good almost the same as outlook express I have not tried using your stationary with it will it work?
    I use outlook Hotmail ,Yahoo and Gmail. I find Gmail is the worst for spam even when I put in filters and tell it to delete them they still come into the spam folder as dose all the spam very little gets into my inbox. yahoo and Hotmail is the best i find for stopping spam.

    1. infoave Post author

      Hotmail is still called Hotmail in that you can use – Microsoft is consolidating all Microsoft accounts,,,, into one – Don’t confuse with MS Office Outlook which is an email client.

      You’re the only person we’ve ever heard say Gmail has poor spam filters. Actually Yahoo has the worst, but users don’t know it because instead of just putting suspected spam in a folder called Junk or Spam it just deletes it – spam or not, so users never know they ever got an email.

      We don’t call that good spam filtering- we don’t think that’s how it should be done. Users should decide that is spam and what is not.

      That being said, to each his own. We use Gmail to filter all our business mail and we find it fantastic.

  15. Bob Hirst

    I have used eM Client for a number of years and run two gmail accounts through it. Very Happy

  16. Philip Reeves

    I don’t like Thunderbird. Why. Because no matter what I try the program still opens the next email after I delete the one that’s open. Secondly, no matter what I try the program never opens email in a new tab or a new page even though I have those options checked. Lastly there seems to be no way to delete multiple emails all at once without opening them first. I really don’t see the point anyway. I have my browser set to open 3 pages at once for gmail, yahoo mail, and outlook or hotmail or whatever Microsoft calls it this year. While I have moved most of my email to gmail, I still visit the other 2 to tidy up the inboxes. The extra clicks don’t really bother me.

    1. infoave Post author

      Your personal opinion is welcome, however claiming that Thunderbird does not work correctly, just isn’t true.

      1.You can have as many tabs open with a separate email in each as you wish. You don’t need to have,, and Yahoo tabs open, because the account view on the left shows each account and highlights any folder with new mail in it, in blue.
      2.You can turn off the preview pane so the selecting an email does not open it.
      3.You can delete one email, multiple selected emails or all emails in folder at once.
      4.Your trying to compare a web browser to an email program. Of course, you can have 9 web mail accounts all open in a separate tab. Thunderbird lets you see 3 or 4 accounts in one view; it highlights folders with new mail in then in blue.

      Many of the things you blame on Thunderbird are just simple Windows tips – like deleting one or multiple or all emails in a folder at once.

      We respect your opinion. If you don’t like Thunderbird, that’s fine… but if you don’t like it because you’re not familiar with it, that’s different.

  17. Deanna Baugh

    I use gmail and really like it but do I miss oe big time, miss being able to use
    wallpapers, wish I could many times…I started using gmail after I had a hard drive crash, at least with gmail I do not lose my stuff. It works great and have never had a problem with it!

  18. Dianne Atkins

    I’ve been using Incredimail for years but now find myself using gmail more and more.

  19. Manell Peterson

    I am using Windows Live Mail which I don’t care for. I had Windows mail put on my computer which I liked much better but twice due to Windows updates, for some reason I could not use the Windows Mail & had to pay to have it usable again so when it happened the third time, I just used Windows Live Mail.

  20. Virginia Borders

    I’m using WindowsMail that TC installed for me long ago. I like it because I can use Stationery, just so sorry I can’t use your Thunderbird Stationery, it’s so pretty! When my Windows 7 computer dies and I have to get Windows 10, then I’ll have one of you install Thunderbird for me, just so I can used your Stationery. So kind of you to bring that back, so many of us dinosaurs still love using email and the Stationery really adds to it with a touch of class. I sure hope you guys are still in business by then! Thank you both for the Newsletter, I love it!

  21. Jennifer Akridge

    I use gmail as my primary email, aol and yahoo occasionally for specific distributions.


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