Thank You So Much! Happy New Year!

By | December 27, 2018

Thank You So Much! Happy New Year!

Every year at this time, it’s natural to reflect upon the year that is drawing to a close and to look ahead to the new year which will soon begin.

First we want you to know how thankful we are for your support and your friendship. When we look back on the year that is nearing its end, we want you to know we realize that without your continued support and friendship, we’d not be able to keep our small company running. So, please know we are very thankful for you!

Some of us look back at year’s end with good memories, happy memories, and others look back at the bad memories, sad memories. But I think most of us look back upon the year that’s drawing to a close with a little bit of all of those.

And it’s natural too, to look ahead with hope and, of course a little trepidation – since none of us can know what the new year will bring. The new year will no doubt present opportunities and challenges and victories and defeats. Whatever will be will be, and the new year will bring what it will. But we still choose to look forward to the new year with great hope and with great resolve to continue to do our best for you in new year.

In 2019, we will begin our 21st year with our little company we call “Cloudeight”. A company that we started as a dream back in 1998.  And we look back with mixed memories at the year that is now coming to an end.

The Internet is a very different place now than it was in 1998; 20 years in computer terms is like a century in real-world terms.  And so we all us us, I think, struggle to keep up with the changes that come at us from everywhere.

The trend now is for quick and easy. In-depth articles have been replaced with glitzy headlines and short articles of little substance, written more to “go viral” than to teach and encourage exploration. The old generation of Internet users is being replaced by a new generation of Internet users who live in a disposable world of quick and nearly free… nearly free apps and the instant, free, sometimes insubstantial world of social media.

More people access the Internet with phones and tablets than with PCs. When we started back in 1998,  99% of those who accessed the Internet, did so with a Windows PC. Now, Windows users share the Internet with Android and Apple users. Windows no longer dominates, Android is the most popular operating system, though it’s mainly used on smartphones.

Without YOUR support, help and friendship we would have long since joined those Web sites and companies who, like us, were born in the early days of the Internet, but who could not survive in this new Internet landscape.

We are keenly aware that our survival and our success depends on you. It depends on giving you, our friends, what you want. Most of you are Windows users, but more and more of you are using Android & Apple tablets and phones to access the Internet. We will continue focusing on Windows, But we hope to to be adding tips and tricks for Android users in 2019. And don’t be surprised if we ask you to share your favorite Android tips with us so we can share them with others.

And we believe that 2019 will continue to bring big changes with Windows 10. As of this writing, Windows 10 version 1809 is still rolling out and has not yet reached all of us who are using Windows 10. Microsoft has promised, after some stinging setbacks with recent updates, that it will be more careful in the future and updates will not strike fear in the hearts of Windows users every time a new version of Windows 10 rolls around. And you can count on us. We’ll be covering Windows 10 and every new update so you know what to expect.

The Internet world is full of the catchy and superficial. It’s full of free disposable apps – useful and useless. It’s a world of instant communication and instant relationships. A world where paragraphs and cogent writing have been replaced short “tweets” that are easy and quick to read.

Our mission is and always has been to give you what you want, but never sell you out. We will strive to tell you truth and warn you of the dangers both new and old that you’ll face every day on the Internet. But, we promise to try keep you safe without scaring you with clickbait or yellow journalism. We will never use fear to induce you into clicking headlines the way that too many others do. We’ll try to focus on Windows tips and tricks that will make you a better, smarter and safer Windows user.

We’ll continue to recommend to you only products that we use and believe in. And we will try to help you save money by avoiding the many pitfalls of buying software based on fake reviews and false claims.

The complete commercialization of the Internet is here whether we like it or not. And though the Internet is vastly different than it was when we started Cloudeight, we remain committed to providing you with information, products and services you can trust and believe in.

We promise you that we will continue to provide information that you find valuable and useful, rather than on empty, catchy, sensationalistic headlines written solely to ricochet around social media.

We believe that if we continue to be a steady, reliable, source of information, products and services you can believe in and trust, you will continue to honor us with your friendship and your support and we’ll will survive in this brave new world.

Thank you very much for making it possible for our little business to beat the odds and survive. We hope that in the coming year we will continue to earn your trust and friendship as we have tried so hard to do in all the years that have come before.

May the new year bring you and those you love happiness and good health. And may all your dreams come true.

Thank you so much for your friendship and support.

Happy New Year!

Darcy & TC

5 thoughts on “Thank You So Much! Happy New Year!

  1. Fleurette Burak

    Thank you so nuch for all you have done for us in all those bygone years..I have been with you from the very begining.. and am getting to be in my 90ieth year this coming March.
    It seems that everything I have learnt on the computer has been through you..So thank you again..

  2. Maggie

    I like the above follower, have been with you for more years than I can count and have never regretted a minute of it. You have never as far as I am concerned led me in the wrong direction and saved me many times from crashing and burning. I enjoy the little stories and memories that T.C. has shared over the years and also been able to look at things from a different perspective. I thank you for your undying commitment to your followers and from me a very hearty, wonderful and prosperous NEW YEAR to yourself and to the families of CLOUDEIGHT Info Ave, and may we be blessed with many more to share with you.
    Kindest regards and a little new Year magic as well, x x x x x x (lol blushing and all)

  3. Janice M

    Love Ya, Both & thanks for you continued commitment to us, “the little guys” (and gals, of course) Without all your help, I would have never even gotten beyond computer Kindergarten to the novice level! HAPPY 2019 & MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY!

  4. roberta selsor

    as the two above me I have been with you and following you for many a year and I thank you both for all you do and continue to do where would we all be without you–don`t know but for sure not safe on the internet…
    thank you and GOD BLESS and continued success in New Year

  5. Margaret Mitchell

    Like the others above, I too have been with you for many many years & have pretty well learned all I know about computers from you both…..thank you so much ….. & I hope you will continue to help us old fuddle-duddies like me to catch on to all the new technology which will be Coming our way. I am 92 years old & hope I can understand the “new” computer language which I’m sure will be coming in to confuse us “oldies”!! My thanks to you both for all you do for us …. continue the good work ….. & I look forward to learning more & more about the newest technology from you. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both.


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