The first major changes to Windows 8 will include a start button

By | April 20, 2013

Several months ago we were one of the first newsletters to report that Microsoft would add a start button and a user option to boot to the desktop in Windows 8 instead of the “Start Screen” (The screen that looks like it belongs on a smart phone.).

Yesterday, it appears the rest of the world caught up with us. It was widely reported that next major upgrade to Windows 8 would included a start button and a user option to boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop and thus allow users to avoid the Start Screen altogether.

TC thinks this is great news for all of you who use a mouse and keyboard. EB thinks the Start Screen is great. Whether you agree with TC or EB, it looks very much like the next major upgrade to Windows 8 will finally give you a choice.

In the meantime EB has convinced me that the best way to add a Windows 7-like start button to Windows 8 is by installing “Classic Shell” . Classic Shell is freeware and is available, free, from  . It’s not often EB convinces TC of anything. You’d have to know TC to know why 🙂

6 thoughts on “The first major changes to Windows 8 will include a start button

  1. Richard

    A start button and default boot to desktop? I’ll believe it when I see it.

  2. Vicky

    I certainly hope this comes SOON!! I was forced to give up my XP machine when it died and unfortunately took advice that said ‘you might as well get the latest’. I was in near panic mode when I first booted up!! EEEEKK!! I don’t use a touchscreen anything and have no desire to. I’ve been wondering if there is a way to boot to the desktop view…… very glad to hear there will be. Hope it is SOON!!

  3. Mike Scott

    Thanks, I got my Windows 8 start button from which takes you to the Classic Start. I now have a start button like Windows 7 and at last life is great, I can now find my downloads very easy just like before. The download only took a few minutes and I chose the start button style I wanted. Give it a go and you will not be disappointed, you will jump for joy. I DID.

  4. J-M

    That is great news. Almost nobody has a touch screen it is time to revert to the old classic.
    Hey Mike what is this it only ask for a login and password nothing else on the page.
    I personnaly use Start8 from stardock and it works great. I have used it since the first week win 8 was out.

  5. ted whitford

    New win 8.1 Build 9374 Has no new start button with start menu. The start button Win logo just takes you to the Metro Start screen. Big deal. No difference. Too bad.

  6. Robert Fricks

    I agree with EB. There are several “apps” or programs that will give you an old fashioned (now they’re old fashioned) Start button and will open your PC to your Desktop page. Classic Shell, Start Is Back, Start8 and Pokki are just four of many choices online (some free, some not).


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