The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

By | June 9, 2019



The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

We wrote our first “Your Computer Won’t Bite” e-book back in 2005. Windows XP was just a few years old and some folks were still hanging on to Windows 98 and Windows ME.

Nearly fourteen years ago we told you that your computer won’t bite, and though things have changed a lot in those fourteen years, the basic theme of that old outdated e-book is still true even though almost 14 years have passed. It really is true that the more things change,
the more they stay the same.

The following excerpt originally appeared in the introduction to our 2005  “Your Computer Won’t Bite” e-book.  So now, let’s take a look back nearly 14 years to what we wrote in July 2005:

  1. You control your computer; your computer doesn’t control you.
  2. A good working knowledge of computers can help keep you safe.
  3. No software program in the world is going to provide you with 100% protection from every evil on the Internet.
  4. No software program can or will ever replace your brain.
  5. No software program can or will ever replace your common sense.
  6. The bad guys rely on the trusting nature of people. Whatever sounds too good to be true most always is.
  7. You don’t need to be a computer guru to avoid someone taking advantage of you on the Internet.
  8. Continuing education is a must. You don’t need to be a guru to stay safe, but you must continue to learn about your computer and the Internet because its always changing and evolving.
  9. Don’t give your trust away – make those who want you to trust them earn your trust. Don’t trust strangers on the Web. Be wary.
  10. The Internet can be a magical, fun and wonderful place. On it you’ll find the sum total of humanity’s knowledge; it’s an invaluable source of entertainment, knowledge, beauty and fun.
  11. If you are constantly worried about the boogeyman lurking in the hills and canyons, you’ll never get the maximum enjoyment from your computer or the Internet.
  12. Your computer is your window to the world regardless of your age. It can take you backward or forward into time; it can take you on incredible journeys from the depths of the oceans to breathtaking nebulae thousands of light years away. You can learn to sail, to fly, to write; you can learn a foreign language or get a college degree.
  13. And the most amazing thing about computers and the Internet? You never even have to leave you house. You can explore the entire world and tap into the knowledge of humanity all without leaving your home.
  14. While it’s a shame that there is so much trickery and deceit on the Internet, it’s not exclusive to the Internet. Actually, ,when you think about it, it isn’t any different than the world has ever been. There have always been scams and trickery; there have always been bad people who are out to steal what you have. There is one big difference between trickery and deceit on the Internet and deceit and trickery in the “real” world though – and that difference is you.
  15. If someone came to your door and offered you a little box that promised to fix every problem with your house – from a broken window to a broken.water heater – with the click of a button. And you could buy this magic box for $49, what do you think the chances are you’d buy it are? Slim and none, right? Exactly. Because why? Because you know better. You know it’s a scam because your common sense and your knowledge tells you it’s a scam. But if someone on the Internet or television tells you that their product can fix whatever is wrong your computer and make it run like new with just a click of you mouse – and for only $49 – you might buy it. You might not know enough about computers that you’d know that one-click-fixes work about as well on your computer as the little magic home repair box would work on your house.
  16. Somewhere between the real world and the Internet, our common sense meanders and our intellect dulls; things we’d never believe in the real world, we believe when we encounter them on the Internet. And that in a nutshell is why trickery and deceit abound on the Internet. That’s why there is so much malware. That’s why there is so much money stolen from people’s bank accounts. That’s why almost all freeware you download now comes in the form of bundlers – software installers loaded with malware and hijackers right along side the program you really wanted are everywhere.
  17. People’s tendency to forego common sense while on the Internet is also why there are so many rogue security programs and why such things as cryptolocker-type programs “FBI” scams (Ramsomware) are so ubiquitous.
  18. Your computer won’t bite but there are a plethora of things on the Internet that will bite you if you leave your common sense behind when you turn on your computer and venture out on to the Internet. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can learn to take your common sense with you on the Internet; you can protect yourself by educating yourself and training your brain to come with you when you open that browser of yours. Just a little bit of education and some plain, old healthy wariness are essential to staying safe when you travel on the Web.


    (Darcy & TC, July 2005)

We wrote that almost fourteen years ago in our first “Your Computer Won’t Bite” e-book, published in July 2005. Things change and the wheel goes ’round and ’round. More people access the Internet today with smartphones and tablets than with PCs. But other than that things are pretty much as they were 14 years ago. The crooks may be more sophisticated, but the one thing you can count on is that there will always be people trying to make an easy buck by preying upon the kindness, naivety, and generosity of trusting people.

And 14 years later, we still don’t want you to be afraid – we just want you to be careful.  Your computer still won’t bite.

9 thoughts on “The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

  1. Damie Simons

    I remember getting “Your Computer Won’t Bite” and got just about every one y’all put out. I find your ebooks so helpful, and when you are almost 80 years old you need allies the good help you can get. I will be getting in touch very soon for some computer tweaks. Y’all have helped me so much in the past and my old computer would just sing along lol. Y’all are the best and if you say something is not so good or not to be trusted, this old broad listens and follows what you say!! Keep up the good work and thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

  2. JonInOz

    Hi TC & EB,
    My computer has snapped at me a couple of times recently showing it’s 10 teeth but thanks to you both over 20+ years and all the eBooks and plethora of other Cloudie goodies I have not been ‘bitten’.

    Thanks never says enough!

  3. Euan

    The title says it all and nothing has changed to any great extent. Thank you for reminding us of that. I would like to think that this wise advice still applies in 2033 and that you are still around then to remind us again, of it. Well done.

  4. Janice M

    Been with you forever (almost) and I must echo both Damie & JonInOZ–You two are the best in the “biz” THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!

  5. Nancy Moe

    TC and Darcy are the best at everything computer. I have been part of their following since the beginning, and they have kept both my computer and me out trouble! Thank you both for all the work and care you do to help us all!


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