We’ve always thought that tens of millions of regular folks like EB and I banding together and contributing to a Lobby to represent our interests would be a good idea. More and more our senators and congressmen and women are being bought by big business. Isn’t it about time we started putting some money in a lobby to represent our interests? Think of it. If just one-sixth of U.S. citizens donated $20 a year to The Peoples’ Lobby, each year that lobby would be funded with One billion dollars. Even in Washington, $1 billion buys a lot of influence.
Of course, the big question is who would you hire to run the Peoples’ Lobby and who would you hire to directly lobby congress. And, more importantly how much of the $1 billion would be eaten up by administrative costs? It would take people a lot smarter politically than I am to figure this all out. And it’s too bad our vote doesn’t buy us anything anymore. It’s all about the money, isn’t it?
I’m not sure that Amplifyd will succeed in doing much other than make its founder rich – if it even does that. But at least someone else realizes that American Government is no longer a government of the people, for the people, by the people, it’s a government of the wealthy, for the wealthy, and by the wealthy. And unless ordinary citizens become more empowered than they are right now, it’s only going to get worse.
So read the article below and tell us what you think:
Tech Startup Amplifyd Seeks to Bring Lobbying to the People
Silicon Valley types have long dreamed of a way to hack the beast of bureaucratic dysfunction known as the U.S. government. Mark Zuckerberg honed in on immigration reform. Sean Parker invested in a mystery venture to attempt improving political engagement. And now a much smaller Bay Area startup with a snazzy name, Amplifyd, is launching with the lofty goal of providing “crowd-sourced lobbying” services to regular Americans.
At the core of the project is an untested idea that stretches the definition of lobbying: Provide an app that allows people to pay to create phone call petitions targeting state and federal legislators.
“We spend so much money trying to get politicians elected but there’s no real system that can effectively communicate our opinions as constituents,” said Amplifyd founder Scott Blankenship. At the same time, Blankenship says, business interests spend millions to influence politicians.
Beginning on June 3, Amplifyd hopes to change that imbalance that by allowing activist groups to initiate campaigns aimed at influencing elected officials with telephone campaigns. For around $7—the exact final price has not been determined—a Concerned Citizen can hire another person to call a member of Congress or a state legislator. Blankenship says about 1,000 people have signed up to be callers, with the promise of earning up to $30 per hour.
The script begins, “Hi, I’m calling on behalf of (name of the person who paid), and this call is being recorded so he can review the call later,” and continues with talking points, complaints, suggestions and the like. From the $7 Concerned Citizen paid for the call $1.50 goes to the campaign, between $2 and $3.50 goes to the caller and the remainder goes to Amplifyd…
Surprising how things change and yet stay the same.
The American Revolutionary War (1775–17830) fought for independence against control by British government, then formed an American government and became a republic.
After achieving that goal America is being dominated by big business controlling the government.
Unwanted control by another entity is the same reason why the original war was fought, this time America is losing .
At first glance I really don’t like the idea. First, if you’re too lazy to pick up the phone to call your congress person yourself then that kind of says it all. Second, I’d rather give my money to organizations that work 365 days a year towards addressing issues I care about and who use their power in numbers to be heard by the media and politicians alike. Third, calling your congress person gets you nothing but a staffer that notes you called. Writing letters is perhaps worth paying someone $30 an hr. because at least your viewpoints will be heard in full not paraphrased by a staffer. Of course this is all assuming anyone cares what their constituents think. You don’t think my calls & emails to my Republican congress people in Florida have had any effect, do you?
But now to the real reason I don’t like the idea. It won’t work. Because as you’ve said, it all comes down to $ and not just $ spent to get heard but $ spent to bribe or promise or threaten in order to influence an outcome that’s advantageous to someone.
So perhaps your People’s Lobby is the better idea. Forget the phones calls, just offer the billion dollars to the politicians that have the most sway in a vote.
Forgive my cynicism but I’m sad to say this is how bad it all looks to me now.
Not enough people share their views and ideas with their representatives and now the ones that do are ignored and their letters are trashed . we have an out of control government and it will take some doing to right this old ship . I just watched a photo power point on pictures of the civil war and we sure do not want to go back to being like them, it was one bloody hell . and people wanted their ten minutes of fame just as they do today and until we get a majority who do not have an agenda but truly believe in a free country we will be in the dust bin of history I am afraid . What happened to “I will defend to the death your right to speak as you want ” I may not agree with you but we should stand up for all people to speak their minds without fear of reprisal . I also believe in responsibility for what you do say and do but that has been lost along with fight to the death. I pray for this country many times and still do and will continue .
Support your local TEA party. Attend the meetings. It is a lobby “of the people, by the people and for the people”.
I have written to our Senators to express my opinions: For example – Labels on our food we buy re: what is in them! I do get letters back from them, but know that they are written by other people. They thank me and then go on their way ☺
I also write to other politicians when I want voice my opinions