The Toggle Keys

By | February 16, 2021



The Toggle Keys

Toggle Keys refer to the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock keys. When Toggle Keys are turned on, you’ll hear a beep when you touch any of those keys. This warns you if you have accidentally activated one of the Toggle Keys without looking for a light or other indicator on your keyboard.

Here are two ways you can turn on Toggle Keys in Windows 10.

1.) Hold down the NumLock key for 5 seconds.

A dialog will appear asking if you want to turn Toggle Keys on. Click Yes to turn on Toggle Keys.

Toggle Keys - Windows 10 tips - Cloudeight InfoAve

If you turned Toggle Keys on using the NumLock Key, you can turn them off by holding down the NumLock key again for 5 seconds.

If you’re using a laptop without a numeric keyboard, you won’t have a NumLock key. Don’t worry, you can still turn on Toggle Keys.

2.) Turn on Toggle Keys in Ease of Access

Press Windows Key + U to open Ease of Access. (You can also open Ease of Access by going to Settings > Ease of Access.)

In Ease of Access select “Keyboard: from the menu on the left. In the Keyboard section, find Toggle Keys and turn the switch under it to “On”.

Toggle Keys - Windows 10 tips - Cloudeight InfoAve

That’s it. Pretty simple but useful stuff!

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