This Cloudeight freeware pick helps you remove backgrounds from your photos

By | December 5, 2011

Those of you whose eyes are tired from reading, will be happy to learn that we’re not going to drone on and on about our freeware pick this week. No indeed! All we’re going to tell you is this: If you’re looking for a program that will help you remove the background from a digital photograph, so you can take the focus of the photograph, for example your own beautiful face, and put it in another background or another photo, we’ve found an easy-to-use photo editor whose sole function is to remove backgrounds so that you can take that photo of you standing in front of your house, and put in in a picture with the Eiffel Tower in the background, and write that special person and say, “Here’s a picture of me when I was in France, last March.” Chortle. Chortle.

Oh you can do other things with photos too, as long as what you want to do is remove backgrounds from digital images or photos. Rather than going on and on and on, here you go.

They say a picture says a thousand words. That means that two pictures say 2000 words, right? OK here are two pictures, saving you the effort of reading 2000 words.

Before (Original Photo)

After (Modified Photo)

Look at the little girl sitting on a slide in the first photo, then look at the same little girl now sitting in an odd photo of desert scene. Same little girl, two different scenes, same photograph. The background was removed from the first photo, and the little girl’s image pasted into a different background. Either you’re yawning and falling asleep by now, or you’re saying, “Wow! That’s pretty cool!”. If you’re the latter, then you’ll be glad to know that you can do the same thing with your digital photos too. It’s very easy. All you need is our Freeware Pick and about 15 minutes of your time.

Our freeware pick of the week this week is “Instant Mask”. They offer a paid version and a free version. And we used the free version to edit the original photo above. It would really help you if you have an know how to use a graphics or photo editor, like Paint Shop Pro or similar. You’ll need it to create modified image like the modified photo above.

If you’re still interested, and we know many of you are, you can learn more about Instant Mask (and download it too) from this page. Remember there are two versions of Instant Mask –  a free version and a paid version. We used the free version only.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. There is only one version of this program that is free – the rest are all free trials – they’re not free. So please read the page carefully. The direct download link to the free version is below:

Version 1.4 for MS Windows XP, Vista, Win 7

The scoop:

Instant Mask
What is it? An easy-to-use image editor that removes the background from digital images
Download size: 5.4 MB
Works with Windows XP (32 and 64 bit), Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit) and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)

2 thoughts on “This Cloudeight freeware pick helps you remove backgrounds from your photos

  1. Ron Warn

    I just downloaded your “Instant Mask” having read a little about and am anxious to try it out asap. Not wanting to totally change ‘original’ digital pictures, I assume you have to copy the picture you wish to change and modify the copy only – I hope! Looks promising!! Thank you!!!! Ron


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