This Cloudeight Site Pick Can Help You Take Control of Your Finances

By | September 26, 2022



This Cloudeight Site Pick Can Help You Take Control of Your Finances

Cloudeight Site Pick - The Penny Horder

No one knows more about being poor than someone poor – like me! I grovel around waiting for EB to pay me, living paycheck to paycheck…trying to exist on the pittance she pays me. So, being broke, I have learned to make the most of the pennies I earn. I use the best resources I can find to optimize my meager income so I can afford things like say Aldi brand Cornflakes and canned spaghetti.

OK so maybe I’m exaggerating, but why can’t I wile away the days on a yacht in St. Thomas, like EB? Why? Because life is not fair that’s why. And because I’m broke I have found some internet resources that help me get the most bang for the buck.

It’s called The Penny Hoarder and on its website, you find that everything is broken down into categories like:

Make Money
Save Money
Credit Scores
Bank Accounts
Home Buying

Here are some of the articles on The Penny Hoarder’s front page…

How To Budget: Create A Household Budget in 4 Simple Steps

The 5 Best Cheap Smartwatches (Including One That’s Only $69)

Never Miss a Deal: Freebie Alerts App Helps You Find $0 Items Nearby

Your Guide to Navigate Medicare Open Enrollment This Year

What Is a Credit Score? Here Are the Facts Behind Your Number

How to Make Money Online: 31 Legitimate Ways

26 Tips to Spend Less When You Eat Out at Restaurants

Now it’s time to bring in The Penny Hoarder’s brain trust to tell you more about their website…

Founded in 2010, The Penny Hoarder is one of the nation’s largest personal finance websites. Its purpose is to help people take control of their personal finances and make smart money decisions by sharing actionable articles and resources on how to earn, save and manage money. For three consecutive years, the Inc 500/5000 has ranked The Penny Hoarder one of the fastest-growing private media companies in America.

The Penny Hoarder envisions a world where there is less money stress. The Penny Hoarder’s mission is to empower people to make smart choices with their money.

So, if you’re not rich, and you want to make the most of your money, you’ll want to visit The Penny Hoarder. It’s a great site – and it’s a Cloudeight Site Pick!

One thought on “This Cloudeight Site Pick Can Help You Take Control of Your Finances

  1. Maggie

    Dear TC,
    Lol lol lol welcome to my world but the world does keep spinning even on my meagre income so I guess it is a case of smile and the world smiles with you or weep and weep alone. Good luck and fingers crossed that with patience and fortitude things may change for the better. Lol lol.Good luck with that one.


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