Time to Tell Us About Your Favorite Browser Again

By | July 13, 2017

Time to Tell Us About Your Favorite Browser Again

Every so often, we like to check in with you to see what browser you use most often. If you use more than one browser, tell us which one you use the most. This kind of poll helps us to determine what kinds of browser tips and tricks we publish. Everything change. The last time we had a poll like this, Google Chrome was the winner. Let’s see if anything has changed! Please tell us what browser you use most often.

[polldaddy poll=9788223]

15 thoughts on “Time to Tell Us About Your Favorite Browser Again

  1. Debby Crafton

    Firefox is what I am currently using but having problems with error message ‘Firefox not responding’. Want to check out others. Interested in your poll results!

  2. Yvonne

    Chrome displays that same message on occasion, but it is usually very quickly resolved. Will never go back to IE…

  3. Dick B

    Have been using Firefox ever since Netscape Navigator “disappeared.” Tried Internet Explorer for a short while, but never felt comfortable with it. I tried Chrome, but not impressed with it. Firefox has never given me any reason to seek another browser, is very dependable, has an excellent choice of themes.

  4. Philip Reeves

    I used to use firefox also like Debbie above but I too had firefox not responding issues, so I switched to chrome. With regard to edge, I wish there was an easy fix so Microsoft would stop asking me if I want to switch.

  5. Cindy

    I voted for Chrome, but anymore I’m not sure. I’ve been having problems with Chrome for quite awhile, especially on my desktop. I’m constantly getting the page telling me that the site I’m trying to get to is not available and it has to do with DNS. I have to clear Chrome’s DNS and then close it and use the command prompt on my computer to flush dns and then I can get to the page. After a little while it will happen again. It’s not particular to any one site.

  6. Elaine

    I use Firefox because of the great add-ons. It uses Roboform toolbar without a problem, but I would try Edge more often if Roboform worked with it as well.

  7. Linda Kelm

    I used to use Chrome all the time, but lately I’ve been using Microsoft Edge more because Chrome is so slow. Microsoft Edge opens immediately. I haven’t changed my default browser to Microsoft yet but I’m about to.

  8. Carolyn Sheetz

    I have use the Firefox browser for several years.

  9. Gina Robertshaw

    I use Firefox. I like the add-ons, even if a few do cause some conflicts every now and then (I just get rid of those that do and I’m still left with a lot). I also use Roboform as someone above mentioned. I tried Chrome but just couldn’t seem to get used to it (probably because it doesn’t have the great add-ons that Firefox has which makes browsing easier, faster and provides more functions. I’ve only used Edge a few times and never set it up to personalize it. Perhaps if I read more good things about it I might give it a try. But I just seem to love my Firefox and how well it personalizes my homepage with ighome!

  10. Christine

    I’ve been using different browsers for different things. Chrome was the main one until one day a couple of weeks ago it just loaded as a blank page. It came right after a few days and then did it again. I was using IE for one of my FB games as it seemed to be a lot faster but now that keeps crashing (could be the game that causes it). So now I’ve downloaded Firefox which seems okay but it takes ages to download the pictures in my game. I just can’t win with any of them.

  11. Altara

    I use both Chrome (my favorite) and Firefox. Don’t have any problems with either one, normally.

  12. Gina

    Although I’m still using Firefox, I’m seriously considering trying Chrome again because ever since Firefox Quantum (Version 57) was released, I’ve lost too many add-ons that I relied upon heavily. I’m so disappointed.


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