Try the Updated Windows Update Troubleshooters to Fix Windows Update Problems

By | April 15, 2017

Try the Updated Windows Update Troubleshooters to Fix Windows Update Problems

This tip applies to Windows 7, Windows 8.1  and Windows 10

For a long time we have been wondering about Windows Fix-it(s) and Windows Troubleshooters. Over the years, we’ve tried a lot of them, but to be honest, we found most of them work about as well as stirring a boiling pot and chanting like a witch … or warlock. We found it indeed to be a rare occasion when a Microsoft Fix-it or Windows Troubleshooter actually worked. We always wondered who at Microsoft was in charge of testing the various fix-its that didn’t fix and the troubleshooters that shot blanks.

However, we have sort of good news for those of you struggling with Windows Updates. We have found that the new updated Windows Update troubleshooter does actually work… at least most of the time. We’ve tried the troubleshooter on a dozen computers and the troubleshooter on 2/3 of them. While certainly not perfect, it’s much better than the fix-its and troubleshooters of old.

If you’re having problems with your Windows Updates in Windows7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10,  you can download the Widows Update troubleshooter for Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 from this page.

We know how aggravating Windows Update problems can be. Hopefully, the updated Windows Update Troubleshooter will work for you. 

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6 thoughts on “Try the Updated Windows Update Troubleshooters to Fix Windows Update Problems

  1. Yvonne

    Well…. that didn’t work. I downloaded the version for Windows 7 and when I told it to open, I got “An Error Occurred while Troubleshooting.”
    Path: Unknown
    Error Code: 0x80070002
    Source: Engine
    User: (leaving out)
    Context: Restricted

    1. infoave Post author

      You need to contact Microsoft. Sorry it didn’t work for you. However, it’s been an issue with Windows 7 for many years now. Microsoft’s ultimate solution is to reinstall Windows 7… which not many want to do to fix up Windows update.

  2. Mike

    To be expected. A fix from microsoft to fix a problem results in an error. I’m using win 7. Same outcome as Yvonne.

    1. infoave Post author

      You need to contact Microsoft. Sorry it didn’t work for you. However, it’s been an issue with Windows 7 for many years now. Microsoft’s ultimate solution is to reinstall Windows 7… which not many want to do to fix up Windows update.

  3. meg peters

    me too….error…you need to fix & check before having it ready

  4. Yvonne

    I went for an entire year without getting an Update for Windows 7. This was when they were pushing Windows 8, etc. My computer ran just fine without updates. Rather than go through the hassle of contacting Microsoft, I’ll just continue as I have been. But I want to thank you for trying to help us (as always)!!!


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