Use Windows Vista and Windows 7’s Check Boxes

By | March 16, 2011

Use check boxes in Windows Vista and Widnows 7This tip is for Windows Vista and Windows 7 …

You know how you have to hold down the CTRL key to select multiple files in Windows? If you know what I mean, you also know that if you don’t keep the CTRL key pressed down while selecting all the files, and let go of the CTRL key, even for a second, you have to start all over again. That means re-selecting that long list of files you just spent 15 minutes selecting before you messed up.

But, digiknow that Windows Vista and Windows 7 has a feature that lets you turn on checkboxes in the Windows Explorer interface so that you can simply select files by checking the box? It’s true.

Here’s how to turn on the checkboxes features in Windows Vista and Windows 7:

1. Open Windows Explorer (Press the Windows key + E or click or open your start menu and click “Computer”)

2. Click on the Organize button at the top left of the Explorer interface

3. Select Folder and Search Options from the next menu and choose the View tab

4. Scroll down and you’ll see the option “Use check boxes to select items“. Check that option and then click Ok.

Windows 7 & Windows Vista: Checkboxes

You should now see check boxes at the top-left of a folder whenever you hover over it. There you go! A great way to select multiple, non-contiguous files in Windows Vista and Windows 7!

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