Lets You Pay With Cash When Shopping Online

By | April 26, 2012 is launching today “Pay with Cash,” a new feature that enables users to place orders online and then pay for them at a nearby Walmart.

In an interview, Joel Anderson, president and CEO of, said the new feature is targeting people who don’t have access to debit or credit cards.

“The fact that only 15 percent of our transactions are done in the form of credit at our stores means there’s a large percentage of Walmart customers who are dependent on cash to transact online. We definitely think it is a big opportunity,” he said.

When using “Pay with Cash,” …

Read more here.

6 thoughts on “ Lets You Pay With Cash When Shopping Online

  1. A_Hippy_Hillbillie

    I do not whatsoever see any useful benefit to
    Walmart’s new customer orientated marketing
    tactic/scheme! What a super waste of time…

  2. connie tyler

    That’s all well and good but where do you go to pick up your order in the store? In our Walmart, the pick- up dept. is in the very back of the store and then sometimes you have to wait for the service. If you only want to use cash and have to go to the store anyway, what is the benefit?

  3. Peter

    If you have to ask what the value is, you are not like the many Walmart customers. Because it is of no value to you does not make it of no value to others. You didn’t have to sign “a hippie hillbilly”, the lack of manners shows.

  4. rena

    I agree with connie tyler, there is no benefit if you must go to the store to pay, you are there, get the stuff, pay and take it home with you,

  5. Al

    (sigh) It appears that none of you folks have ever used
    A LOT of items online are cheaper (sometimes substantially) than in the stores and there is much, much more available on the website than in any store. Plus, the item will be held for you.
    Case in point (at the time of this writing): JVC GZHM40 camcorder. $181.74 online….$189.97 at the local Walmart.
    With “Pay With Cash”, Walmart beats the CC fees and the customer get’s a discount.
    There seems to be more to this than meets the eye. The article states that “only” 15% of their in store customers use credit cards. So it becomes apparent that an in store purchase of this particular item (and probably thousands more) is overcharged. 85% of the overcharge is cold, hard CASH.
    In effect, the in-store customer is paying for the online shopper’s “discount” AND absorbing the CC fees for ’em. Slick, huh?
    So why would they suddenly offer the Pay With Cash program and lose some of that money making pricing disparity?
    Heh, my guess is…They. Got. Caught.


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