We All Know TC Is a Hippo of Words, but Did You Know…

By | October 17, 2014

Word Hippo

Cloudeight Internet

Let’s say you’re feeling particularly ornery and you want to lash out. You could write a vitriolic diatribe and post it on your social media account. But what if you don’t like the word vitriolic — say it annoys you because it sounds like I’m a sesquipedalian.

If you visit Word Hippo you can type in vitriolic and see a lot of synonyms:

spiteful, venomous, hurtful, acerbic, bitter, cruel, rancorous, malicious, hateful, sarcastic, vicious, caustic. If that’s not enough for you, you can click on any of those words and get synonyms for them.

But let’s suppose you’re feeling the opposite. Type in “Vitriolic” and find words that mean the opposite.

Word Hippo also finds rhyming words too. If you’re a poet or rap star or song writer you might find this useful.

“She stuck her finger in the faucet hole
And pulled out a nasty multi-colored troll.
She started screaming and the firemen came
They tried to save her but they all were lame.

That was the end of old Lucille McDill…
She was the owner of the cider mill.
No more cider guys, the press is dry,
Wipe that tear that is dripping from your eye.

She thought she had so little to lose
She stuck her nostril in like a fuse
She was the princess of corn, the queen of chances
Now she’ll never again do one of her dances.

Woe, woe, is Lucy McDill
If anyone will try it, you know Lucy will.
But now you hear the funeral chimes…
Looks like poor Lucy, did it too many times.

The funeral’s Tuesday and I’ll see you there.
If you want please come and you can say a prayer…”

Anyway, you can do a lot of things with words at Word Hippo including writing award-winning songs (see above).

I’m not going to tell you everything else you can do at Word Hippo -besides the above you can find correct pronunciations, translate words, and more. You’ll have to go to www.wordhippo.com  to find out what the more is.

I need to go finish my song of Lucille McDill, but first I need to take a pill and wash it down with a little swill..

2 thoughts on “We All Know TC Is a Hippo of Words, but Did You Know…

  1. Bob Palmer

    Hippo is my last resort for answers to some crossword puzzle clues.

  2. Ms. D

    Wow, what a great site! It has already been added to my Favorites list for quick and easy reference. TC, I loved your poem. You are quite the poet! 😉


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