What is a RAT?

By | May 30, 2019



What is a RAT?

Sometimes EB thinks I’m a rat.  Sometimes people “rat” on others. And rats got a bad name back in ye olde bubonic plague days. And I suppose no one much cares to have rats in and around their homes. But RAT is not the same as the rodent rat.

A RAT is an acronym for Remote Administration Tool. That’s a fancy name for software that allows a person to remotely access, control, and monitor a computer or mobile device. There are good RATs and bad RATs. Good RATs allow support techs to access customers’ computers and take control of the computers and fix them. But like most good things, including the Internet, RATs have are also used by hackers to remotely access their victims’ computers and log keystrokes, install malware, and do all kinds of bad stuff.

How can you protect yourself from RATs?

1. Don’t click links in spam emails or emails from strangers.
2. Be careful where you download software. Many games and “cracked” software are notable for distributing RATS
3. Use a good reputable antivirus/antimalware like Emsisoft.

RATs are not new but they’re now making a comeback. And now you know what they are and how to keep RATs away from your computer.

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