A Trojan is a big wooden horse with lots of soldiers inside. Oh, no, wait, this is not the History Channel. A Trojan is program that appears legitimate, but performs some illicit activity when it is run. It may be used to locate password information or make the system more vulnerable to future entry or simply destroy programs or data on the hard disk. A Trojan horse is similar to a virus, except that it does its damage all at once, rather than replicate itself. Many Trojans send passwords and other personal computer information back to the person who developed the Trojan. Many spyware and adware application could be called Trojans since their real purpose is to display advertising and make money for their developers but the purpose for which they are download is to perform some benign function like adding images to email or installing “free” screen savers.
I have been hit with the Trojan.zbot.cbc.gen and have tried everything to get rid of it.
I don’t know if this is where to post this, but i will try.
I have run Superantispyware, malwarebytes, and Microsoft security essentials.
Also ran all of them in “safe mode” tho MSE will not do a scan in safe mode, just locks up.
I have disconnected the “infected computer from my network and using my laptop with direct cable hook up.
I have read until i am blue in the face. Called Staples and they said i have run what they would have, and said about all they would recommend is “reformatting” I am hoping i don’t have to do that.
Can you recommend anything to me.
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I had the same problem plus a few others. I ran the same programs But also ran Advance System Care, Uniblue, PC Doctor and also Defragged about 3 times I even when into my search for files and found some in files that I didn’t know existed and deleted what was found. Then back and ran Malwarebytes, SuperAntiSpy abd Microsoft Essentials.
Then unstalled Advance System Care and bought and downloaded Registry Commander and Captain Optimizer then ran them. It cleaned alot of junk off the computer and now it runs without to much of a problem. I have a slow connection (I have DSL), plus my computer is 7 years old and there are two users using it. I hope you can solve your poblem, if you do let us know.