Where’s my beer???

By | February 4, 2014

If it’s good or if it’s fun, the government will make it illegal!

I was just getting ready to head out on Lake Michigan with EB to do a little ice fishing. As you may or many know, EB owns several deluxe ice shanties, the best of which we save for our own use; we refer to it as Shangra La. It has all the comforts of home, including wireless Internet, which I’m using now to post this. Hang on… EB just caught a sixty-pound Lake Auger — wow it’s huge! Great job,, EB.

I digress…

Just when someone starts up a really good service, like Beer by Drone, the government steps in to make it illegal. What’s going on? The government can use drones to spy on us, but we are not allowed to get BEER BY DRONE?

I had ordered 2 cases of Moosehead for our 36-hour ice fishing trip. It’s a pain to have to walk 7 miles to get to the Beer Port and hauling back two cases of beer by sled is hard on an old guy like me. Benny’s Beer Drones has been delivering beer to thirsty ice fisherman since mid-December, but I got an email from Benny telling me that his drone (and MY MOOSEHEAD) were shot down by a joint Canadian-US heat-seeking missile, and my beer won’t be delivered.a

The FAA is spending our tax dollars enforcing Operation No Beer by Drone (ONBD). It costs the Canadian and U.S. governments $573,243.64  to shoot down Benny’s drone loaded up with MY MOOSEHEAD BEER!

I know you think I’m just making this up, but I swear, beer drones are now illegal 🙁   (Hey, EB hand me a minnow).

Just to make sure you realize how serious this is, I’m going to let you read an article from CNN about illegal beer drones and how us ice fisherpersons are now going to have to suffer.

Stay thirsty, my friends:

Beer Drone

Here comes the missile!

Beer-delivery drone grounded by FAA

(CNN) — Ice fishers in Minnesota are reeling from a recent FAA decision prohibiting beer delivery by drone.

Local brewery Lakemaid was testing a new drone delivery system to airlift frosty cases of beer to fishermen holed up in ice shacks on Mille Lacs Lake. After spotting a Lakemaid YouTube video that went up last week of one of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on a test run, the Federal Aviation Administration contacted Lakemaid and told the company to stop.

Unfortunately for Lakemaid fans and anyone else dreading a walk to the corner store, it’s currently against the law to fly drones for commercial purposes or above 400 feet in the United States. The FAA is working on a comprehensive set of rules and regulations that will pave the way for commercial drone flight, but the legislation won’t be ready until at least 2015 and drones might not be in the skies until 2017…

Read the rest of this article here.

One thought on “Where’s my beer???

  1. Shirley Seefeldt

    I read about this in our page. Such a shame the the FAA grounded the drone. I went ice fishing many times with my husband and kids, many years ago and we also brought beer along. One of my sons still goes ice fishing and he said that it would have been something to see tha drone delivering beer.


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