Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Name in Your Email Address

By | March 23, 2025


Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Name in Your Email Address
Don't use your name in your email address. Cloudeight InfoAve

Yes, we know, it’s tempting and sometimes really cool to use your first name. or first and last name in your email address. But, alas, there’s a good reason why you shouldn’t.

And here it is.

Suppose your name is the same as EB’s – Darcy Goobergoober. Now it would be mighty handy and cool to have an email address like DarcyGoobergoober@vodkatower.com. Well yes, Darcy Goobergoober is a fine name, there’s no doubt about it. However, what happens when a spammer gets a hold of that address? You know, over time, they probably will.

Here’s what could happen…

The National Bank of Willard
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Dear Darcy Goobergoober,

Thanks for banking with us. Believe it or not, we just found out that $4 million dollars was deposited in your checking account! It was transferred to your account from your cousin Lotus Overbaum from Kreaker, Lower Slobovia AB49072, First Slobovian Bank Cartel, LLC.

Yes, you’re shocked. We’re shocked too! But it’s true. All $4 million is yours. And all you have to do to claim it is to click this link and verify your bank account number and password.

After you give us the information we require, just think! You’ll be one of our richest customers. You’ll get to sit in the plush offices of our president, smoke Havana cigars and drink Grey Goose and Key Lime with our board of directors – any time you like! And just think, you’ll have $4 million in your checking account you can use to buy whatever tickles you.

Yes, Darcy Goobergoober, you could be $4 million richer just by clicking this link right now!

Thanks so much for banking with us, Darcy Goobergoober.

Sincerely yours,

H. M. Hummer
National Bank of Willard

If you’re sharp, you’ll think, “Gee, I don’t have any relatives in Lower Slobovia” and you’ll delete this email straight away. Because, hopefully, if you have been with us for a while, we’ve impressed upon you why you should always be wary of emails from banks, credit card companies, and other emails of that ilk that try to get to click links in them. NEVER CLICK LINKS IN EMAILS FROM BANKS, CREDIT CARD COMPANIES, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, or ANY SITE THAT DEALS IN MONEY OR ASKS FOR VERY PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR HOME ADDRESS, ETC.

But let’s say you did get an email from someone, and it’s addressed to your name (as Darcy Goobergoober did). What happens if you’re tired, have had too much to drink, or have to work with an evil boss like I do and you are brow-beaten into a miserable weary state and can barely think? You might not be as sharp as usual, and you may decide heck, $4 mil is worth a chance! Click! Click!

But what if your email address did not have your name in it? What if it was RollyPollyPolarBear140@Nebraska-is-flat.com? Then what would the spammers write?

Something like this…

“Dear RollyPollyPolarBear140”

And you’d say “Wait! My name is Darcy Goobergoober… not RollyPollyPolarBear140 – these guys are spammers or scammers! No matter how tired you were, how much you had to drink, how much of a rush you were in, or how brow-beaten you were, you’d still -hopefully – know what your name is.

Of course, as always, I’ve gone to extremes to prove a point. Most spammers and phishers don’t bother with names – but the best ones do. And now, assisted by AI, if your name is in your email address, there’s a good chance the email will be addressed in your name and not just “Dear cardholder”, “Dear customer” or “Hey Handsome”, “Hey lover” or “Hey baby!” as many illegitimate spammy emails are. I just made up the “Hey Handsome”, “Hey Lover” and “Hey baby!”, “Hey  Spammers don’t use those, do they? Well, yes maybe romance scammers and dating site scammers might.

Anyway, with AI now “The Next Big Thing”, spammers and scammers will certainly become more and more sophisticated. See? They can even include pictures of Darcy Goobergoober, created in seconds by AI! I’m telling you – this is as realistic as it can be…

Why you shouldn't use your name in your email address - Cloudeight InfoAve

So, you can count on scammers and spammers being even more cunning by using the latest AI technology to trick you. Why help them by giving them your name by using your first, last, or first and last names in your email address?

Using something other than your name as your email address is a very good idea. Take it from your pals, TC & Darcy. We are here trying hard to help keep you safe on the Web.

Now I’m off to see if RollyPollyPolarBear @gmail.com is available! 

4 thoughts on “Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Name in Your Email Address

  1. Colleen McAllister

    I have 2 emails that I use all the time. One, as you can see below is my name. This format was used at my last job and so I used the same format when I wanted a personal Gmail. Although I understand your warning I am also hyper vigilant about emails and texts. I do use a non-name email for most of my business accounts. Thanks for the extra warning.

  2. Alex Lim

    Great advice on email privacy! I never realized how using my name in an email address could expose me to risks like identity theft or spam. Do you have any tips on creating secure yet professional email addresses?

    1. infoave Post author

      I don’t know what a professional email address is. Basically it has to be unique or it won’t be available. You can be creative, just don’t use your name. Let’s say your name is Justin V. Forbes. you could use JForbV or Forjv or anything using variations on your name or variations on your name including a number like the year you graduated high school (86 or 92 or whatever year you graduated. I really don’t know what a professional email address is.

  3. Monica Bessette

    Oh my goodness, thank you for my morning chuckle!
    And yes, thanks to you both and my own common sense, I use delete delete a lot!


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