Windows 10 Update Causing Blue Screens, Audio Issues, Data Loss and More

By | May 19, 2020



Windows 10 Update Causing Blue Screens, Audio Issues, Data Loss and More

Windows 10 KB4556799, an important security update, is causing data loss, audio problems, user profile issues, BSODs, and other problems for some Windows 10 users.

It’s important to note that not all Windows 10 users have had problems with the KB4556799 update. Only a small percentage of Windows 10 users have had problems, but if you’re one of them it can be a big problem for you.

Microsoft has yet to own up to yet another problematic update saying they can’t find any telemetry to support users’ claims that KB4556799 is causing any problems. 

According to “Windows Latest”…

“Users running Windows 10 May 2019 Update and November 2019 Update are reporting that the update is a serious fail with a wide range of issues including a broken audio adapter, temporary user profile, Blue Screen of Death, and even an uninformative error message during the installation process.

These problems appear to vary from person to person and it does not affect every installation of Windows 10.

According to user reports, Windows 10’s reset all of their audio driver configurations and even removes Realtek audio driver. Others noted that their audio devices don’t pass sound when the update is installed…

To read more from Windows Latest – and to learn how to repair some of the problems caused by the KB4556799 Update – see this page.

Windows 10 Version 2004 Coming Soon

Speaking of updates, a new “free” Windows 10 version update is coming soon. According to Microsoft users can expect Windows 10 version 2004 (May 2020 Update) to start rolling out by May 28, 2020. Windows 10 version 2004 is more about improving the user experience than it is about new features. As with all Windows 10 version updates, you should wait a few weeks before installing it unless you enjoy being on the cutting edge – and being a guinea pig.

Here’s a quick look at some of the new features and changes in Windows 10 version 2004:

1. Microsoft Edge legacy will be replaced with Microsoft Edge (Chromium).
2. No 32-bit support for new devices. (If your computer is 32-bit it will continue to be supported.)
3. A new set of icons. See our article here.
4. Improved video playback features.
5. Reinstall Windows 10 from the Cloud (see this article).
6. Improvements to Windows search indexing and other minor changes.

6 thoughts on “Windows 10 Update Causing Blue Screens, Audio Issues, Data Loss and More

  1. Barb

    when I lost my Google account, and with it the saved passwords, I thought ”HERE WE GO AGAIN” as I seem to be forever doing something wrong. The novelty was that this time it wasn’t Thunderbird. In an effort to help myself, I regained my Google account via Gmail, and subsequently wriggled my way back into my accounts on The Hill. I am delighted to discover that this time it was probably that Windows 10 update that affected so many others. Well that’s who’s getting the blame. T.C. has been so patient with all my problems and for once I have bailed myself out. Thank you for all the other times, TC. I hope I haven’t spoken too soon.
    Best wishes,

  2. Yvonne

    You know; it has been for these same reasons I hate to upgrade to new versions of Windows.
    There’s always some unnecessary, stupid problems with Windows. Nobody needs to deal with ‘technical problems’ at this point in our lives. At least I don’t.
    Why can;t they just leave things alone….

    1. infoave Post author

      Hi Yvonne, just to clarify, this does not refer to a version update – this refers to the May (monthly) cumulative update.

  3. Nora

    Should automatic updates be turned off for this one? If so how do I do that without going into the registry? I’m leery about doing that and just recently acquired Windows 10. Thanks guys. You’re the best!

    1. infoave Post author

      No you should NEVER turn off updates. You can delay the update for 7 days or you can use our tip here to increase the delay period to 35 days.


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