Windows 10 Version 1903 Update Now Available

By | May 23, 2019


Windows 10 Version 1903 Update Now Available

 Cloudeight InfoAve Windows 10 Tips

Microsoft just released the Windows 10 May 2019 Update, also known as Windows 10 version 1903 – to the public. Those brave souls who’d like to be among the first to install this newest version of Windows 10 can get it from Mircosoft here.  Keep in mind, we’re not recommending you do this. We think it’s prudent to wait a few weeks and let the problems and bugs bubble up and hopefully then fixed.

Those of you who choose to take a more careful approach to things, and we recommend that you do, you’ll be happy to know that you can temporarily delay the automatic upgrade to Windows 10 v. 1903 as long as you’ve downloaded the KB4497934 cumulative update (May 21, 2019).

Feature (version) updates will no longer be installed automatically. Instead, users will see the option to install a feature (version) update set apart on its own in Windows Update in Settings > Update & Security> Windows Update. Users will see a blue “Download and install now” link as shown below:

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows 10 Tips

But how long can you actually delay a version update? Well, according to Microsoft…

“For Windows 10 devices that are at, or within several months of reaching the end of service, Windows Update will automatically initiate a feature update… The Windows 10 April 2018 Update (Windows 10, version 1803) will reach the end of service on November 12, 2019, for Home and Pro editions. Starting this June, we will begin updating devices running the April 2018 Update and earlier versions of Windows 10… “

Curious. Curious because Windows 10 Version 1803 was released in April 2018) and its “End-of-Service” date is November 12, 2019. Yet, according to Microsoft if you are using Windows 10 version 1803, you can delay it only until June? That’s next month… and 5 months shy of the actual “End-of-Service” date.

If you’re running Windows 10 version 1809…

The 30% or so of Windows 10 users who did upgrade to Windows 10 version 1809. Windows 10 version 1809’s “End-of-Service” date not until May 12, 2020. If Microsoft calls 5 months “several months” then theoretically those using Windows 10 version 1809 won’t have to worry about having Windows 10 version 1903 thrust upon them until sometime early in 2020.

No one knows exactly what Microsoft’s strategy is, but something doesn’t seem right here. When we read “Several months” we were thinking three months, not five. Which seems more reasonable as Windows 10 version 1803 users would not have to worry about the Windows 10 May 2019 update (version 1903) being forced upon them until August – and by August one would hope that whatever bugs and serious issues plagued early adopters of this version of Windows 10 would be mostly or totally all fixed.

Stay tuned…

5 thoughts on “Windows 10 Version 1903 Update Now Available

  1. JonInOz

    I wonder if Microsoft have Exit written on the front entry door and Enter on the rear exit door of the company premises …… it appears that they don’t know if they are coming or going by creating confusion among Windows users.

  2. Jason Miller

    Someday, android will take the place of Microsoft and all will be well.

  3. Dawn Campbell

    Well I am off to take an IT course. Only way to make sense of all this “circle the wagon” stuff. My computer and I would be lost without your sites’ expertise. Thank you for everything you do for us.

  4. Linda Kelm

    Well, it’s funny I didn’t think I would receive version 1809 this late in the game and not thinking anyone would. My computer is downloading the 1809 version now. I checked to see if the May 21st security update had been installed on my computer and that’s when I saw it. This is so confusing!!

    1. infoave Post author

      If you’re downloading a new version today, it won’t be 1809. Version 1809 is no longer available – at least not here in the United States. If you’re in the USA, it’s more likely your downloading cumulative updates for version 1809. There are currently two of them in Windows update.


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