Windows 8: Restore, Refresh and Reset: Resolving the confusion

By | March 26, 2013

Windows 8 offers the most choices for digging yourself out of a computer hole than any previous version of Windows. Now, we’re going to clear up some of the misconceptions and give you a plain English explanation of Windows 8’s three options to get your computer back up and running well again if you should find yourself crossing the computer version of the River Styx.

Windows 8 System Restore
Restore your computer to an earlier point in time

Not much has changed here. System Restore reverts your system back to a time when it was running well. None of your personal files are lost and only the programs you installed AFTER the restore point you choose will be missing. In other words, your computer will be exactly like it was before you started the restore minus the programs you installed after the chosen restore point. All your email and documents, photos and music, everything but the programs you installed after the restore point and any settings changes you made after the restore point. System Restore should always be your first choice if your computer starts behaving very badly.

Windows 8 Refresh
Refresh your Windows 8 PC

Refreshing your PC reinstalls Windows and keeps your personal files, settings, and the apps that came with your PC and apps that you installed from Windows Store, but not the programs you installed. Programs are not apps to Windows 8. They’re called desktop programs and they’ll all be gone if you choose Refresh. Keep that in mind. Still, it’s better to try Refresh first if Restore does not fix the problems that caused your PC to go into computer hades.

Windows 8 Reset
Reset your Windows 8 computer to its factory state

Resetting your PC reinstalls Windows but deletes your files, settings, and apps—except for the apps and programs that came with your PC. In the old days this was called using the Recovery disk or partition. You’ll end up with a computer that is exactly like it was the day you bought it – complete with any garbage programs which your lovely computer manufacturer decided to install just to make a few extra bucks from. Resetting your Windows 8 computer should be your last choice, and only if Restore and Refresh didn’t correct the problems with your PC.

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