Yes, Daniela, we do flip-flop!

By | April 19, 2013

Daniela Accuses us of “flip-flopping” – A web forum is discussing Cloudeight and the way we “flip-flop” with IncrediMail and other programs.

Yes, we are guilty as charged! We sure do flip-flop! Why? We continually monitor anything we recommend and if it does not keep up to our standards, we pull our endorsement. When a program starts adding toolbars, like IncrediMail, we ditch them and we shout loud and clear to our members to BEWARE. So, watch for more flip-flopping in the future as we will ditch a program in a heartbeat if they fail to meet our standards.

Daniela says:” IncrediMail has never changed. It’s the same as it has always been, aside from version changes and added pressure to install other stuff as well, and at times that will be installed even when one opts out, by the way. The free version is nothing but a big head ache, the paid for version is usable, sure, and as long as one sticks with it, it’s fine. It is proprietary and will try to override other stuff, but it can be controlled.

Trying to uninstall it is a loosing battle.

The only reason ‘they’ had made a deal with the devil, so to speak, is because of the changes in Windows Live Mail re stationery use. Since C8 basic ‘child’ has always been stationery, it did create lots of problems for them when Windows Live Mail changed their security settings and the old stationery ways can’t be used anymore. So, they spread them via IncrediMail versions.

Then they figured out how to ‘crack’ Windows Live, the in between email program versions used in Vista and still part of W7 but not like before. I don’t believe Microsoft would approve of it, for a multitude of reasons, but they have heavily advertised their ability to make Windows Live work in W7 … and with that users can also utilize the stationery again…IncrediMail is not needed that much anymore.

And, yes, Robert, I have read the ‘flip-flops’ as to IncrediMail quite some time ago, and….it did not surprise me, as they have done similar mind-changes with other software before for a variety of reasons.”


Well, since we are C8, we are definitely the “they” that Daniela refers to. Thanks for acknowledging us Daniela! We have not cracked Windows Live; we made stationery that is compatible with Windows Live, we are the only ones on the web who have been able to make email stationery for Windows Live, and we continue to offer it for free download. Windows Live itself can be unstable and crash, but it cannot and does not wreck havoc with a system as it is an independent program offered by Microsoft and does not interfere with your operating system.

We have to disagree that it is a losing battle to uninstall. Uninstalling IncrediMail, while time consuming, is quite easy. Just use Geek Uninstaller Free version and it will remove IncrediMail in its entirety. Now that they have new owners at IncrediMail (for the 4th time in 3 years), they are more aggressive with toolbars, browser hijacker, adware, and other questionable add-ons and programs. Folks are finding that an average of 25,000 registry entries are deleted when uninstalling IncrediMail… and we have even helped some who had over 200,000 registry entries from IncrediMail. Don’t you find that “Incredible!!”.

Thanks Daniela for agreeing with us that IncrediMail has run amuck! When we endorsed it a few years ago, we were in contact with their Board of Directors and their main team; we even had tele-conferences with them and discussed what we would and would not accept. For a while they did as promised, and offered option not to install other programs with their mail program. But they soon changed hands (owners) once again, and started adding toolbars/adware/programs and we immediately stopped our endorsement.

And Daniela, thanks for noting that we flip flop .. and we will continue to do so if a program does not meet our standards. There is nothing so certain as change. Things change, programs change, company ownership changes, people change, the Internet changes. If we endorse a program it changes for the worst, we don’t recommend that program any longer – in other words we flip-flop – we withdraw our recommendation.

The folks you can’t trust are those who stand behind a program regardless of the changes to it, or who owns the company, or how bad the program gets. We always re-evaluate the programs we have recommended – in fact a few times we’ve published articles titled – “Things we once recommended but no longer do”. We’re not ashamed of flip-flopping, we’re proud of it — and most of our readers wouldn’t have it any other way.

 We don’t recommend anything based on what others say or do; we test everything we recommend on several computers, we monitor program changes and updates, and we pull our endorsement if the changes made to one of our recommended programs cause the program to fall into the category of a malware bundler — such as IncrediMail has become. We have been a trusted source on the web since 1998 and we continue to keep our standards high and our reputation well earned! And, Daniela, we will continue to do so as long as we’re in business.

So we guess we owe you a big thanks for the compliments, Daniela. And thanks for letting folks know that we are never afraid to pull our recommendations when the program or programs change and no longer meet our standards. We have and always will constantly re-review our list of recommended programs and if we find any of them that have changed for the worst or that have become malware bundlers, we will immediately withdraw our recommendation. To do anything other that that would be foolish.

Maybe, Daniela, that’s part of the reason why people trust Cloudeight.

Thanks so much for bringing this to the attention of so many people. We very much appreciate it!

11 thoughts on “Yes, Daniela, we do flip-flop!

  1. Carolyn

    I for one am glad Cloudeight does not mind doing a flip-flop on anything it does endorse when it fails to meet their standards as Cloudeight is the ones I trust with all my computer information. Thanks TC and Darcy for keeping on top of things for us. Thank you for all the good work you do and the knowledge you share with us out in the internet. Many kudos and hugs.

  2. Mike

    The fact that you admit to flip flopping says a lot about your character.Kudo’s to you for calling a spade a spade and staying on top of things.Now just keep on doing what you have been doing.

  3. Sally

    Isn’t it weird how people who don’t get the full facts seem to be the first to try to bloviate about a subject? Then they end up with mud on their face when their ignorance is exposed.
    If “Daniela” had bothered to actually make herself knowledgeable about CloudEight, she would already have known CloudEight’s policy about programs that may have been recommended in the past but have since been removed from favorable listing and the reasons why (as Darcy already explained above). Perhaps if “Daniela” had actually armed herself with facts before pontificating, then she could have actually posted some truth rather than fiction.
    Funny how that works.

  4. Sylvia Kendall

    Daniela really needs to check the information she is putting out there. It’s Windows Mail not Windows Live that you have been helping people to use! Half truths don’t help anyone and just spread confusion. I don’t believe Microsoft cares one jot about anyone figuring out how to use Windows Mail in Windows 7! Thanks Darcy and TC for all you do to keep your members safe and keep their computers running so well. We need more people like you. Any chance of ‘cloning’ lol.

  5. Cindy

    Since Daniele doesn’t seem to think much of you guys, one would hope she will quit reading your newsletters. Sylvia made a good point that someone like Daniele will can confuse people and perhaps turn them off to a good thing.

  6. Larry

    I am so very happy that Cloudeight is continually testing everything. To those of us who know just a little about the computers, it is very, very comforting to have the experts looking at it and helping us!

  7. Bill Jacobs

    I loved incredimail so much I purchased their upgrade and did it again last year. I listened to your advice but did not act upon it. I recently discovered it does not delete anything. I found close to 3,000 files holding some 49 gigs of space. Yikes! I further had problems with the re-signup due to the new owners giving me grief. I regret not listening to you when you first, pardon the expression, Flip Flopped. I will never doubt you again!

  8. Ramona P

    Cloudeight is the greatest! I have been with them since 1998 and they stand behind everything they do. I for one will always take their advice and knowledge and use it myself and share with others. Thank you TC and EB for all that you do for us!

  9. Joan G

    Ditto….Ditto….Ditto. to all the C8 followers’ positive remarks. I too am a faithful and Gratefull C8 member and follower. I also am an Incredimail user and am totally FED-UP with the program. I am guilty of procrastination. My PC is a mess. It is terribly slow booting up. and strange things keep happening that I don’t understand and am sure that I have not instigated. One such example: I can be scrolling and all of a sudden Up Pops Google. I can’t count the time I have tried to erase Google completely, only to have it show up to say, “Hi!’ all over again. Thank God for TC & EB. I need to just stop procrastinating and have a C8 Direct Computer Care Call and Kick The “Intrusive Incredimail out, and have C8 install Windows Mail. I have only one question. Can can Incredimail be booted out and Windows Mail installed, without losing tahe email data that I have?


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