Your Quest for Knowledge Could Begin Here – Ask Me Anything

By | August 23, 2022



Your Quest for Knowledge Could Begin Here – Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything - A Cloudeight Site Pick

In our endless quest to find informative and interesting sites for you, we’ve stumbled upon another that will surely be of interest to those of you who are on a search for knowledge or who have inquisitive minds.

In the past, we used to find time-wasting, mind-numbing, but fun sites for our Cloudeight site picks…most of those were EB’s picks. For she, as a member of the class of the idle rich, has a lot of time to waste. Me, on the other hand, being poor and bossed around by EB, have little or no free time to waste. That’s why, when I choose a site pick recently, I want the biggest bang for the buck. I must absorb as much knowledge as I can in a very short time span; EB makes sure I have almost NO free time. Hopefully, someday, knowledge will set me free…or not.

Anyway, after that semi-long pre-ramble :-), let me cut to the chase.

I present today’s Cloudeight site pick with pride. I believe that anyone who dares to visit this site will come away more knowledgeable and therefore, as those who are wont to say words like crudités might say… more erudite.

And now, we are FINALLY going to show you just a few of the tantalizing questions we found asked and answered, on the site’s homepage the day we visited.

Why are meteor impacts not very common on Earth?

What are some strange animals that are extinct?

What is the largest carnivorous animal discovered?

Is it possible to destroy the moon with thousands of bombs or a nuclear bomb?

What is the loudest place in the universe?

What would the Sun look like from Pluto?

What are some shocking facts of human psychology?

Why do lions not attack you when you’re in a safari vehicle?

Why do bats sleep hanging upside down?

Our site pick’s eclectic topics are:

Space Exploration.

Surely, something here that will appeal to you, right? Right!

Without further jabbering, or as we like to say, bloviating, you are cordially invited to visit today’s Cloudeight Site Pick, Ask Me Anything.

If you visit our site pick, you’ll come away more knowledgable – and you’ll enjoy it too.

What more can we say?

You’re invited to visit today’s Cloudeight Site Pick… Ask Me Anything!

There’s no time to waste, EB!


6 thoughts on “Your Quest for Knowledge Could Begin Here – Ask Me Anything

  1. Gina

    I can’t seem to access the site. The links don’t seem to work. One link redirected me to a totally different webpage. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I did a search looking for the site but couldn’t find it. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. infoave Post author

      The link is correct (but keep reading). I just tried it on my Android phone, my windows 10 PC, and my Windows 11 PC. It works and is correct. It’s

      Ask Me Anything

      Works here as well. However, after further review and turning off uBlock Origin, I can see that this site tries to redirect to other sites. So, while the site’s content is good… no site should redirect like this. My fault. If you install uBlock Origin (free) you’ll have no problem. See our article here.

      My apologies for this…

  2. Peggy Dorgan

    I just tried it with the same result so I copied the link to Notepad. There is an “i” where a “y” should be but it still didn’t work. Google found askmeanything dot info/ & it works.

    1. infoave Post author

      The link is correct (but keep reading). I just tried it on my Android phone, my windows 10 PC, and my Windows 11 PC. It works and is correct. It’s

      Ask Me Anything

      Works here as well. However, after further review and turning off uBlock Origin, I can see that this site tries to redirect to other sites. So, while the site’s content is good… no site should redirect like this. My fault. If you install uBlock Origin (free) you’ll have no problem. See our article here.

      My apologies for this…

  3. Michael Wagoner

    Day two, I still get redirected to download a VPN, then get a large warning that my phone has been hacked.
    I clicked the link you posted today.

    I have tried using chrome and Firefox , same results!


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