Your wireless router could be murdering your houseplants

By | December 17, 2013

dead_office_plantsAre you slowly killing your houseplants? Probably! But there might be a reason (other than neglect) why they’re all yellow and wilty: your Wi-Fi router.

An experiment by a handful of high school students in Denmark has sparked some serious international interest in the scientific community.

Five ninth-grade girls at Hjallerup School in North Jutland, Denmark, noticed they had trouble concentrating after sleeping with their mobile phones at their bedsides. They tried to figure out why. The school obviously doesn’t have the equipment to test human brain waves, so the girls decided to do a more rudimentary experiment.

They placed six trays of garden cress seeds next to Wi-Fi routers that emitted roughly the same microwave radiation as a mobile phone. Then they placed six more trays of seeds in a separate room without routers. The girls controlled both environments for room temperature, sunlight and water.

After 12 days, they found the garden cress seeds…

Read the rest of this article here…

4 thoughts on “Your wireless router could be murdering your houseplants

  1. LC

    Radiation Safety – Princeton University- there is a study here about the subject, also a lot of debatable information out there about the health risks of computer radiation, routers, phones. Should we trust what these studies?
    My personal experience , coincidence ? I worked in an ICU with many types of wireless monitors etc ,over a period of 15 years 6 employees were diagnosed with cancers.
    Is the bottom line all about , sorry to money for corporations? In any case , there is no turning back now in the high tech field.

  2. Muriel S.

    OzarkMntNana ad KP, The dying plant in this case, is kinda like hanging a bird cage in a coal mine. If the bird lives, it’s safe f or a miner to go into the mine. Here’s a couple of articles that might answer your question more honestly than an “industry” spokesperson. Don’t focus on routers, though. Focus on radiation emissions from everything wireless and cumulative effects because we’re all bombarded with. Since wireless “everything” has become so popular and there are multiple devices in so many homes, it’s even more important to at least be aware. Search the site for MANY articles on the subject. Many reader comments are invaluable. You’ll also find some ways to prevent or counteract some of the dangers.
    This site links to


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