Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly

Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1107
Volume 22 Number 10
December 27, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #1107 Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much!  Please share our newsletters and our website with your friends and family.

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The new year is just hours away; it's both an ending and a beginning.

And it seems like this year flew by - and here we are ready to start a brand new year. This is the last issue of InfoAve Weekly for 2024  This week's InfoAve Weekly newsletter is a review edition. Publishing review editions on major holidays allows us to take time off to share with our families. Plus, it's a great way for us to feature and review some of the best content from previous issues of InfoAve Weekly. Next week, we begin a new year of Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly and we'll start the new year with a brand new edition of InfoAve Weekly!

It's been our pleasure to have you in our Cloudeight family this year. We are thankful for you and for the help and support you always give us. We are very fortunate and we look forward to your friendship and support in the new year.

We hope that you also will take some time off during the holidays and make memories with those you love.

Thanks so much for all you do for us. We wish you all a very safe, happy, and healthy new year! May all your dreams come true!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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Our Winter Donation Drive is underway!

This week we gladly helped dozens of people solve their computer problems by email quickly and free of charge.

Make a small donation and help us help you!

If you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us with a donation. Even the smallest gift is appreciated. Every donation helps us to provide useful information that helps you with your computer as well as helps us to keep you safe on the Internet. We offer free help to thousands of people every year... and we offer an honest and inexpensive computer repair service too. We do everything we can to help you with your computer and keep you safe too.

So if you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us by making a donation right now.

Interested in making a monthly gift? Visit this page. Help us keep helping you!

Thank you so much for your support!

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Cloudeight InfoAve

Rhonda's keyboard does not have a Caps Lock indicator
My keyboard does not have a caps lock indicator. Some time ago I had an app that sat in the system tray and indicated the status of the caps and Num lock. It has disappeared and I can't remember what it was called. Do you know a safe app for a visual caps lock indicator?

I do like your newsletter and your useful information. Thanks, Rhonda

Our answer
Hi Rhonda. I spent some time looking around for something that would do what you need it to do. I found one and tested it on my laptop -even though I have a Caps lock indicator. The program worked well and you don't even have to install it - just click to run it. It will alert you when the Caps lock key is on as well as NumLock and Scroll Lock keys are on. You can also configure it just to show when Caps Lock is on and nothing else if that's how you want to configure it.

The program is called Caps Lock Indicator and you can read more about it and/or download it here.

We hope this works for you.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

MaryLee has a problem with Microsoft Edge
I've been having trouble updating Edge. I was just going to search Cloudeight for instructions on this and found your article about running SFC and DISM. So I followed instructions; it took about half an hour to get to 8%. Three hours later, it's stuck at 8%. I think I'll have to use my Repair Key, which I purchased when you first made them available.

Our answer
Hi MaryLee. You don't have to use a repair key to fix Edge. All you need to do is reset it.

See this page to learn how to reset Microsoft Edge.

Once you do that, close and reopen Edge. Then type (or copy/paste) this into the Edge address bar...


It will tell you if your Edge browser is up to date and if not, give you the option to update it.

DISM/SFC scans are for finding and fixing or replacing Windows system files. If the scans stop when running them, you might want to close all open programs before running them again.

We hope this helps you. MaryLee.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sue needs to clear her backup drive but she's having a problem
Hi, I have gained so much insight from you in all these years and am so grateful you are still here for us! I have a question about File History and backups. My external drive is full (hopefully with backups) and now I need to delete most of it so I can continue to back up. I've tried a couple of things that I found on the internet which haven't worked, I get an error: "Could not clean up File History data. Element not found". Is there another way I can get rid of these files and not have to mess with having to repair Win 10 which was a suggestion?

Thanks so much, I always feel you'll have the answer :)

Our answer
Hi Sue. You can right-click on the external (backup) drive and choose Format. Do a quick format on the drive, then set up File History again on that drive. You might need to reset File History for it to work correctly again.

If you do need to reset File History, see this page.

We hope this helps you, Sue.
Sue wrote back: "Oh my gosh, TC, thank you so very much!! Of course, formatting!! Thanks for the link as well. Honestly, I hope you and Darcy know just how very much you are needed & appreciated, and how you have saved our hair from being pulled out and our computers from being invaded. You consistently smarten us up for scams and safe downloads. I can’t thank you enough. I’ll be making a donation today! Sue."

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cheryl wants to know how to switch back to using a password or PIN in Windows 10
Hello my computer guru friends, hope all is well with you and your families. In Issue #962, the question, "Sandi doesn't want to use a password".

Well, I can't remember (nor could I find the instructions on the home page), how to make sure I am asked for my Microsoft sign-in on my Windows 10 computer. Would you please be kind enough to share the instructions with me so I can reset my sign-in option? Thank you kindly, Cheryl L.

Our answer
Hi Cheryl. Thanks so much.

Press the Windows key + R. In the run box type NETPLWIZ and press Enter.

Select the account you want to change.

Tick the box next to "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer".

Cloudeight InfoAve

Whether or not the account has a password or not, click the "Reset password" button and enter a password.

Click Apply/OK.

After you do this, if you would rather use a PIN than a password, type SIGN-IN OPTIONS in the taskbar search press Enter. Then select the PIN option. You can make a simple 4-digit PIN there.

We hope this helps you, Cheryl.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight Internet

We've helped hundreds and hundreds of you with your computers since we started our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Service! If you're having computer problems - we CAN help you!

We all know that sooner or later our computers are going to start having problems. We can help you with any computer need -- from diagnosing and fixing Windows problems - to setting up a wireless network for you - to safeguarding by creating an image-based backup (the only kind that really works when you really need it to work) - to cleaning up your computer and optimizing it -- and more. We can do almost anything you need done and we guarantee our work - you're either satisfied or we'll refund your money.

We connect to your computer and fix it while you watch

We will connect to your computer via the Internet and fix any problems you may be having. You can  watch us work and chat with us while we do. If you have any computer questions you'd like to ask we'll be glad to answer them for you.  We don't just fix your computer, we explain what we're doing and why we're doing it and we are right there with the entire time. Since we've started we've helped hundreds of you with your computer problems and we've received dozens of referrals and testimonials from our readers and customers.

We offer many other computer services too! If you have a problem with your computer - we can fix it!

Get more information about Cloudeight Direct Computer Care and / or get your repair keys here.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Robert wants us to evaluate UpdateHub
Can you please give me your take on the program called UpdateHub, I saw on OlderGeeks?

Our answer
Hi Robert. What do I think of UpdateHub? It's nonsense. It's just another Ninite that makes a living scaring people into thinking if you're not using the most updated version of a program the boogeyman will get you. The only programs you have to keep updated are your browsers, email programs, your security software, and Windows. Worrying about updating image editors, word processors, file managers, and the like just gives you something else to worry about you don't need to worry about. We want people to focus on the important things - keeping Windows updated, using good antimalware software, using caution when clicking links in emails, and using good common sense when browsing. You don't need UpdateHub or Ninite to keep every program on your computer updated.

Hope this answers your question, Robert. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Terry gets Blue Screens and wants to send his Event Logs to Microsoft
How can I send Microsoft an event log? Maybe you can give a site where to upload a log to get answers. While using MS Solitaire and Causal Games I get a BSOD and the PC restarts and all is OK If you want the Event Log I can send it. I need answers before I do a clean reinstall of Windows.

Our answer
Hi Terry. We seldom use Event Logs. They're not reliable, they're sometimes incomprehensible, and they are replete with dozens - even hundreds - of inconsequential errors,

I don't know if you're using Windows 10 or Windows 11 or if the games you're using were those that came with Windows or games you installed. There are a lot of tips going around on how to make Windows 7 games work on Windows 10 and Windows 11 that can cause big problems.

Blue Screens are not caused by games - they're caused by driver errors or corrupted operating system files. If you installed a driver updater (for instance), these types of programs can cause serious errors and blue screens. If your Windows installation has corrupt system files this could cause the problem. You can run SFC and DISM scans to find and fix Windows corruption. The procedure is the same whether you're using Windows 10 or Windows 11. See this page for a tutorial. Keep in mind if you're trying to run Windows 7 games on Windows 10 or Windows 11 this will prevent the games from running on Windows 10 or Windows 11 because they are not meant to run on those operating systems.

And one other thing, with Windows Reset (Windows 10/Windows 11) you rarely have to do a clean install to fix a problem. You can run a Windows Reset and reinstall a fresh copy of Windows and still keep all your personal files. See this page to learn how.

Other than my comments and suggestions above, I don't have enough information to give you a more definitive answer but I doubt the Event Logs would be helpful.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Leora uses RoboForm and she wonders if she will lose her passwords if she gets a new PC
My computer is getting old and slow. If it should decide not to start one of these days and I have to get a new one will I lose all my passwords on RoboForm? I have been using RoboForm for quite a while so I am hoping my info is saved online. Thanks! Leora.

Our answer
Hi Leora. If your computer stops working, or your computer turns into strawberry jam, or if it turns into a giraffe and runs off to join a circus, you won't lose your passwords. You can install RoboForm on your new PC and sign in with your username and master password and voila! Your passwords are all there and ready to use just like on your old PC.

As long as you remember your master password and your user name - your passwords are safe no matter what.

I hope this eases your mind, Leora. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Reg Organizer: Cloudeight recommended and endorsed.

Now available: Reg Organizer 9.40

If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 9.31. Works great with Windows 10 and Windows 11.

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Reg Organizer - A Swiss Army Knife of Windows Tools - Works Great on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks

An Easy Tip to Make Windows Easier to Use
Windows 10 / Windows 11 

A Quick Quiz for You…

What is the quickest way to access all the following items in Windows?

Apps & Features/Installed apps, Mobility Center, Power Options, Event Viewer, Device Manager, Network Connections, Disk Management,  Computer Management?

A. Settings
B. Control Panel
C. Start Menu
D. Hidden Start Menu
E. None of these

Who said D? You’re right!

The hidden start menu, also known as the right-click Start menu or the Power users’ menu is the fastest way to access Device Manager, Power Options, Event Viewer, Disk Management, etc. You can access this menu by right-clicking the Windows start button or, if you’re a keyboard shortcut fan like us, you can open this menu by holding down the Windows key and tapping X. In Windows 11, the way you access the menu makes a difference.

Above: The right-click or hidden Start menu (Windows 10).

Below: The right-click or hidden Start menu (Windows 11) when you right-click the Start button.

Windows 11 hidden start menu - Cloudeight

Below is the right-click or hidden Windows 11 Start menu you’ll see when you use the Windows key shortcut Windows Key + X. Do you see the difference? Underlined letters let you use shortcuts to select an item from the menu. For instance, with the menu open tap the Y key to access “System” or tap “M” to open “Device Manager”.

Windows 11 X menu Cloudeight InfoAve

Now you know an easy way to access some important Windows features with only a click or a Windows Key shortcut. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Spice Up Your Sticky Notes with Links, Pictures, and Emoji
Windows 10 / Windows 11

Did you know that you can add links, pictures, and emoji to Windows Sticky Notes? You can. And you can also add links and bulleted lists, and change font styles (Bold, Italic, Strikethrough).

Here’s a cute sticky note that includes a picture of one of my heroes…

Cloudeight Windows 10 Tips - Sticky Notes

How to open the Sticky Notes app in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

The easiest way first. Type “Sticky Notes” (without the quotes) in the taskbar search and press Enter. Or choose Sticky Notes from your start menu.  HINT:  If you use Sticky Notes often, you can create a taskbar shortcut by opening Sticky Notes, right-clicking its icon in the taskbar then choose “Pin to taskbar”.

How to add a picture to your sticky note

OK, first, keep in mind that, any image you add will be added to the top of your sticky note. HINT: Compose your sticky note text first and then add the image last.

Then, when you’re ready to add the image to your sticky note, click on the picture icon at the bottom. When you do Windows 10 File Explorer will open. Select your image and add it to your sticky note.

Cloudeight Windows 10 Tips - Sticky Notes

Above Sticky Notes in Windows 10; below Sticky Notes in Windows 11

Sticky Notes - Windows 11- Cloudeight InfoAve

Inserting Emoji into your sticky note

Type your sticky note and format it any way you want. Then press the Windows key and tap the period key/dot key (or semi-colon key) to open the Emoji pad (or Emoji panel as geeks like to say). Then just click on the Emoji you want to add. You can add as many as you want.

Cloudeight Windows 10 Tips - Sticky Notes

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

How to Fix a Printer That Has Stopped Printing
Windows 10 / Windows 11

How to fix a printer that has stopped working - Cloudeight InfoAveWe get a lot of emails asking us how to fix a printer that was printing and suddenly stopped printing for reasons unknown. It may have stopped printing due to a power outage, a Windows update, an internet connection problem,  or something else. While frustrating, it usually can be fixed by reinstalling your printer the same way you would if it were a new printer.

Before we get started, we want to point out that most printers with touchscreens have a test mode. So most printers, even one that is not connected to a computer, will print using its touchscreen. That’s the printer’s test mode; it has nothing to do with printing things from your computer.

OK… So Let’s Get Started!

First, unplug your printer from its power supply.

Next, type PRINTERS AND SCANNERS in the taskbar search. Press Enter when you see Printers & Scanners appear in the search results. In Windows 10, find your printer in the list and click on it, then choose “Remove device”. In Windows 11, the default printer shows at the top. Click on the “Remove” button.

Restart your computer – this is an important step – don’t skip it.

Once you have done the steps above,  go to the printer manufacturer’s site. For instance, You’ll need to know your printer’s model number. When on the manufacturer’s site, search for the full installation software for your printer model. For example, search for “Installation software for HP Envy 5565 Printer”.

Once you find the full installation software for your printer brand and model, download it to your computer, but do NOT install it yet.

Plug the printer into its power source and run the installation software you downloaded above. If this sounds familiar, it is. It’s exactly how you set up your printer when it was new.

If you cannot find the printer’s installation software – let us know, and we’ll help you find it. NEVER search for “Printer drivers” or “Printer installation software” because if you do that you’ll almost always end up with a bunch of fake sites trying to get you to download malware.

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Want more tips, tricks, and information?

We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks, and more on our InfoAve website.

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Help us with a small donation!

Our Winter Donation Drive is underway!

This week we gladly helped dozens of people solve their computer problems by email quickly and free of charge.

Make a small donation and help us help you!

If you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us with a donation. Even the smallest gift is appreciated. Every donation helps us to provide useful information that helps you with your computer as well as helps us to keep you safe on the Internet. We offer free help to thousands of people every year... and we offer an honest and inexpensive computer repair service too. We do everything we can to help you with your computer and keep you safe too.

So if you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us by making a donation right now.

Interested in making a monthly gift? Visit this page. Help us keep helping you!

Thank you so much for your support!

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks 

105 Weird Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind

These weird facts are truly astonishing.

Cloudeight Site Pick

While searching for a fun site pick to start the year, I happened to stumble upon Parade’s “Can You Believe It?! 105 Weird Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind”. And I’ve got to tell you that some of these 105 facts are hard to believe, but I suppose most of them are true.

For instance, did you know that a strawberry is not a berry but a banana is? Originally, the Eiffel Tower was going to be erected in Barcelona, but the project was rejected because citizens thought it was an eyesore.

Let’s do a few more…

A type of jellyfish is considered biologically immortal. They don’t age and will never die unless they are killed.

You’re not allowed to swear if playing in Wimbledon. Because of this, line judges have to learn curse words in every language.

There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world.

Humans cannot walk in a straight line without a visual point. When blindfolded, we will gradually walk in a circle.

Canada eats more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.

We only gave you seven of the 105 weird facts. You’ll have to discover the rest of them for yourself.

If you like trivia or learning weird things, then Parade’s list of 105 Weird Facts will be right up your alley. By the way, the phrase “right up your alley” is believed to have originated from the world of bowling. When someone says something is “right up my alley,” they mean that it is well-suited to their skills or interests, much like a perfectly aimed ball in a bowling alley… like our site pick today called “105 Weird Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind“.

Take a trivia trip and have some fun learning new things. Visit our site pick right now. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight Direct Computer Care

The Best Computer Care and Repair - Anywhere!

We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work. Get PC service from folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere.

Get more information here.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Essays , Rants, etc.

Happy New Year! Thank You So Much!

Happy New Year!At this time every year, we reflect upon the year that is drawing to a close and look ahead to the new year that will soon begin.

First, we want you to know how thankful we are for your support and friendship. As the year nears its end, we are aware that without your continued support and friendship, we’d not be able to keep our small company alive. So, we want to make sure that you know how thankful we are for all of you!

Some of us look back at the year’s end with good memories and happy memories, and others look back upon bad memories and sad memories. But I think most of us look back upon the year that’s drawing to a close with a mixture of both.

And it’s natural too, to look ahead with hope and, of course, a little trepidation – since none of us can know what the new year will bring. The new year will no doubt present opportunities and challenges and victories and defeats. Whatever will be will be, and the new year will bring what it will. But we still choose to look forward...

Read the rest of this essay here. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Back to Basics

What is doxing?

According to the International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication, doxing is the intentional revelation of a person’s private information online without their consent, often with malicious intent. This includes the sharing of phone numbers, home addresses, identification numbers and essentially any sensitive and previously private information such as personal photos that could make the victim identifiable and potentially exposed to further harassment, humiliation and real-life threats including stalking and unwanted encounters in person.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sales of the following products and services help support our newsletters, websites, and free computer help services we provide.

Cloudeight Direct Computer Care: Single Keys, SeniorPass, or Season Tickets - always a great deal. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care is like having PC insurance. Get more information here.

Emsisoft Anti-Malware:  Emsisoft is the only Cloudeight-endorsed and recommended Windows security program. It provides users with a complete antivirus, antimalware, anti-ransomware, and anti-PUPs solution. We offer single Emsisoft licenses and multi-computer licenses at discount prices. Also, we offer our exclusive Emsisoft with Cloudeight installation & setup. Get more information here.

Reg Organizer: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner... it's a Windows all-in-one toolkit. Reg Organizer helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps you solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10 and Windows 11! Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here.


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We received hundreds of questions for possible use in IA news. Please keep in mind we cannot answer all general computer questions. We try to personally answer as many as we can. We can only use a few in each week's newsletter, so keep this in mind. If you have a support question about a service or product we sell, please contact us here.

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We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly. Thanks so much for your support and for being an InfoAve Weekly subscriber.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and a great weekend too... be safe!

Happy New Year!

Darcy & TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly - Issue #1107
Volume 22 Number 10
December 27, 2024 

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