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Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #1112 Volume 22 Number 15 January 31, 2025 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #1112 Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much! Please share our newsletters and our website with your friends and family. ![]() If you're not getting our InfoAve Daily newsletter, you're missing out on a lot of good stuff! It's free and it only takes a few seconds to sign up. We'd love to have you with us. Visit this page to sign up for our Cloudeight InfoAve Daily Newsletter.
Make a small donation and help us help you!If you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us with a donation. Even the smallest gift is appreciated. Every donation helps us to provide useful information that helps you with your computer as well as helping us to keep you safe on the Internet. We offer free help to thousands of people every year... and we offer an honest and inexpensive computer repair service too. We do everything we can to help you with your computer and keep you safe too.So if you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us by making a donation right now. Interested in making a monthly gift?
this page. Help us keep helping you!
Eric's Gmail folders disappeared Our
At the top-left of the Gmail account
with the missing folders, click the
3 horizontal dots, as shown below:
To see even more folders...click the
down arrow next to "More" (as
I hope this helps you find your
missing folders, Eric.
wants to put "My Computer" (This
PC) on his desktop
In the past, I have had the computer on my desktop but now I don't know how to get it
Hi Gus. I am guessing
you're asking how to put "My
Computer" now "This PC" on
your laptop's desktop.
"My computer" / "Computer"
is called "This PC" on
Windows 10 and 11. Here are
instructions on how to add
"This PC" (Computer) to your
desktop for Windows 11 and
Windows 10.
It's easy to add the "This
PC" icon to your desktop in
Windows 11. Here's how:
1. Right-click on the
Windows Start button. Select
2. In the Settings window,
click on "Personalization"
in the left sidebar.
3. In the Personalization
settings, click on "Themes."
4. Scroll down in the Themes
settings until you find
"Desktop icon settings"
under the "Related settings"
section. Click on it.
5. In the "Desktop Icon
Settings" window, you'll see
a list of icons. Check the
box next to "Computer" (This
6. Click "Apply" and then
"OK" to save the changes.
That's it! The "This PC"
(Computer) icon should now
appear on your desktop.
If you're using Windows 10:
The process for putting
"This PC" on your desktop in
Windows 10 is very similar
to Windows 11:
1. Right-click the Start
button and click on Settings
2. Go to Personalization: In
the Settings window, click
on Personalization.
3. Select Themes: In the
left-hand menu of the
Personalization window,
click on Themes.
4. Find Desktop icon
settings: On the right side
of the Themes window, under
the "Related Settings"
section, click on Desktop
icon settings.
5. Check the "Computer" Box:
In the "Desktop Icon
Settings" window that pops
up, you'll see a list of
icons. Check the box next to
6. Click Apply / OK to save
your changes.
That's it! "This PC" (which
was called "My Computer" in
older versions of Windows)
should now be on your
Daniel asks us about X-tra
Hi Darcy & TC. First I'd like to say how appreciative I am for all the help you've given me over the years it's been so much appreciated and all the help that you've given so many other people as well. My question is, have you heard of this PC fixer thing it's called extra PC? A little summary of it says, It’s called Xtra-PC and if you have an old, slow computer, it’s exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Xtra-PC is a small thumb drive you simply plug into your computer’s USB port and it instantly bypasses your existing operating system and loads a feature-rich Linux OS – making your old computer run like new. It turns your computer's operating system into Linux. I'm wondering what you think about this. Be well. ---Daniel---
Hi Daniel. X-tra PC makes so many misleading claims it borders on being scammy. The way it's advertised makes you think you can just plug it into an old computer and instantly make it run like new. The truth is that the X-tra PC is a USB drive advertised as a way to significantly speed up older computers. The X-tra PC contains a version of the Linux operating system. Most Linux versions (distros) are free. You can make a Linux USB flash drive for a few dollars (the cost of an 8 GB Flash drive). You can boot into Linux from that drive and make an old computer faster, but you won't be running Windows, you'll be running Linux. Not totally a scam because it can provide a basic computing experience on an old computer but the advertising makes it sound like you just plug it in and your Windows computer will be fast again. Not exactly true... the computer will be running Linux, not Windows, so it won't be suitable for everyone. Some users will find the interface unfamiliar and will have compatibility issues with software printers and other peripherals. If you're interested in running Linux on an old computer it's very easy to create a bootable Linux USB flash drive for a lot less than the $79.95 they charge you for X-tra PC. Many Linux versions are free. Here are the instructions to make a bootable USB running the Mint version of Linux that you can run on an old Windows machine. Linux Mint is free. You can buy an 8GB USB flash drive for $5. So, to summarize, X-Tra PC makes it sound like you can plug it into your old Windows computer and make it as fast as a new computer. But read the fine print... you won't be running Windows. But Linux distros (versions) indeed come with a browser, an email program, a free photo editor/viewer, and free office-like programs that are made to run on Linux - whether this is considered "feature-rich" in the eye of the. But what they don't tell you is that your printer and other peripherals may not work at least not "out of the box". My advice, if you want to run Linux on an old computer, buy a $5 USB stick and create a bootable Linux USB flash drive yourself and save $70. Hope this helps you, Daniel.
Barbara wants to
wipe her hard drive
I think in the past you suggested
programs like DBAN and others to wipe a
hard drive. Now I see that you suggest
Windows 10 reset to do this. Does one or
the other do a better job of wiping the
hard drive so that nothing can be
retrieved later by anyone? Thanks for
all that you do to help people with
computer problems and questions. I have
relied on your advice since 1998 when I
got my first computer and am now
learning about Windows 11 from you. I
also used your stationery in the
beginning and enjoyed it very much. It
has been quite a journey made much
easier because of your help.
Our answer
Hi Barbara. First thanks for your
kind words and long-time friendship
& support!
Windows 10 Reset, when used to
remove everything and clean (wipe)
the hard drive does as good of a job
of making files irrecoverable as
3rd-party tools, plus it reinstalls
the operating system so the computer
is usable.
Windows 10 Reset has several
different options, one of them is to
remove everything and then wipe the
hard drive, and then reinstall
Windows. That whole process can take
several hours, This is the option
you should choose if you want to be
100% sure no one can recover
anything from your hard drive even
if someone is using forensic
recovery tools. If you're just
giving the computer to a friend or
relative this might be overkill as
simply resetting Windows and
removing everything (but not wiping
the hard drive) would be sufficient.
Here's our tutorial on resetting
Windows, removing everything and
wiping the drive (clean the drive as
Microsoft calls it).
We hope this helps you, Barbara.
We've helped hundreds and hundreds of you with your computers since we started our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Service! If you're having computer problems - we CAN help you! We all know that sooner or later our computers are going to start having problems. We can help you with any computer need -- from diagnosing and fixing Windows problems - to cleaning up your computer and optimizing it -- and more. We can do almost anything you need done and we guarantee our work - you're either satisfied or we'll refund your money. We connect to your computer and fix it while you watch We will connect to your computer via the Internet and fix any problems you may be having. You can watch us work and chat with us while we do. If you have any computer questions you'd like to ask we'll be glad to answer them for you. We don't just fix your computer, we explain what we're doing and why we're doing it and we are right there with the entire time. Since we've started we've helped hundreds of you with your computer problems and we've received dozens of referrals and testimonials from our readers and customers. We offer many other computer services too! If you have a problem with your computer - we can fix it! Get more information about Cloudeight Direct Computer Care and / or get your repair keys here.
Sharon wants our guide
to buying a new computer
I know you've posted what to look for when purchasing a good laptop and I saved it but now I can't find it. If it's not asking too much, would you mind sharing this info again? Thank you. Our answer
Hi Sharon. I just updated our computer shopping
guide today (1/18/25). In our computer shopping
guide, we discuss what to look for in a new
computer/laptop and list 3 excellent computers you
can buy for less than $500.
Hope this helps you, Sharon.
Judy wants to know the
right way to uninstall
Thanks, Darcy! You guys
are so valuable.... make
everything easy for us
tech-challenged people!
I can't believe my good
fortune finding you all
those years ago when you
first started!
One more thing. This
new laptop of his
came with McAfee.
How can I
uninstall all its
fragments? What
would be the best
way? Thanks!
Our answer
Hi Judy. Thanks so
To remove McAfee
completely, you need
to download the
McAfee Removal Tool
(MCPR). It's free
and you can download
it from Major Geeks
You don't install
it, just download
and run it. It takes
a while (about
minutes or so) to
completely remove
McAfee then all you
have to do is restart
your PC and McAfee
is gone and then you
can install
Hope this helps you.
Leslie uses Firefox as her
default browser but Windows
Search uses Microsoft Edge
Hi, TC. I'm having an issue with Windows Search. It opens Edge, and not Firefox, which is my default browser. That's the only place it happens. Help, please. It sure is annoying. Thanks. Leslie
Our answer
Hi Leslie. You can't use
Firefox to search your
computer if you use
Windows Search. Windows
Search is deeply
integrated with
Microsoft Edge and Bing.
You can set Firefox as
your default browser,
but this only affects
how links are opened.
If you're searching for
something on your
computer, Windows search
is going to open. If
Firefox is your default
browser you can open
files on your computer,
and even find files, if
you use the CTRL + O
(letter O) shortcut with
Firefox open.
I hope this helps, Leslie. ![]()
Our Top Ten Windows 10 &
Windows 11 Windows Key Shortcuts We put our heads together this morning to come up with a list of what we think are the ten most valuable and useful Windows Key shortcuts. These are the Windows Key shortcuts we use most often, and we hope you find these shortcuts useful too!
Using Windows Key shortcuts is a great way to save time. Do you use Windows Key shortcuts as much as we do?
Installing the Windows 11
24H2 Update: Darcy’s Experience
Last week, Darcy updated her Microsoft Surface Pro to Windows 11 24H2 with 16 GB of RAM and 500 Mbps internet speed. After 45 minutes the update was incomplete and the screen displayed the typical message “Updating… do not turn off your computer”. Normally, her updates take less than fifteen minutes. After 45 minutes, in frustration, Darcy turned off her computer, waited, and turned it back on. When her computer restarted. the “Updating… do not turn off your computer” message was displayed on the screen. She messaged me and I called her and told her I’ve heard of cases where the upgrade took two hours, so be patient, I’m sure it will update. Patience paid off. About an hour and 10 minutes after the 24H2 update started installing, the update was completed successfully, and now Darcy is running Windows 11 24H2. We’re telling you this so you know that the Windows 11 24H2 update that is now rolling out to all Windows users is a major update. It can take over an hour, in some cases even two hours. The best thing you can do when updating to Windows 11 24H2 is not sit there and watch the computer screen—just walk away and let it update. A watched pot never boils, you know. We hope this little bit of advice will help those who have yet to update to Windows 11 24H2, relax and not worry. Things will work out just fine.
How to Use the CTRL+O
Shortcut in Your Favorite Browser The CTRL+O (that’s the letter O) shortcut is a little-known shortcut that allows you to quickly and easily open local files directly within your web browser. Here’s how to use the CTRL+O shortcut in most web browsers: Open your web browser: Launch your favorite browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge). Press CTRL+O: Simultaneously press the “Ctrl” key and the “O” key on your keyboard. A file explorer window will appear. Select the file and click “Open.” The selected file will be opened within your web browser. The way the file is displayed will depend on the file type. For example: HTML and CSS files will be displayed as web pages. PDF files will be displayed as PDFs Images will be displayed directly in the browser window. Web browsers can most popular image file types including GIF, JPG, WebP, and PNG. You can’t open all file types with your browser. While many file types can be opened, some cannot, and others may require specific browser extensions or plugins for proper viewing or interaction. The CTRL+O shortcut works with all major web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave, Opera, and Safari. We just wanted you to know about the CTRL+O shortcut. Try it! You might find it useful. We use it almost every day. ![]() Want more tips, tricks, and information? We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks, and more on our InfoAve website. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter.
Make a small donation and help us help you!If you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us with a donation. Even the smallest gift is appreciated. Every donation helps us to provide useful information that helps you with your computer as well as helping us to keep you safe on the Internet. We offer free help to thousands of people every year... and we offer an honest and inexpensive computer repair service too. We do everything we can to help you with your computer and keep you safe too.So if you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us by making a donation right now. Interested in making a monthly gift?
this page. Help us keep helping you!
The DuckDuckGo Browser for When Privacy Matters We’ve been testing the DuckDuckGo browser for about a year now and we think it’s an interesting browser, but don’t look for it to replace Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or other established browsers. However, if you want to search and don’t want anyone to find out what you’ve been searching for, the DuckDuckGo browser is a great choice. Search privacy doesn’t always mean you have something to hide, but some things you might be searching for are nobody’s business. For instance, health-related searches, income-related searches, or anything you would prefer that others not know. DuckDuckGo browser is also good for searching without your searches being influenced by your prior searches. And clearing your history & cache is as easy as clicking the flame icon at the top-right of the DuckDuckGo browser. You’ll even see your history & cache go up in flames…
Here’s what we like about the DuckDuckGo Browser DuckDuckGo is a web browser that prioritizes user privacy and security. Unlike most other browsers that collect and use your data, DuckDuckGo doesn’t track your online activity or store your personal information. It blocks trackers and prevents websites from collecting your data. You get search results that aren’t influenced by your past searches or browsing history. It has a clean, uncluttered interface that’s easy to navigate. Now let’s look at the downside of the DuckDuckGo browser DuckDuckGo might not have as many features as other popular browsers. For example, you can’t customize it much, its password manager is limited, it does not allow extensions, and some websites might not work correctly, so for most of you, it won’t replace your current browser. But the DuckDuckGo browser makes a great secondary browser for times when privacy matters the most to you and you want to search privately and without your searches being trackable or influenced by prior searches. To learn more about the DuckDuckGo browser for Windows visit this page. ![]() We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work. Get PC service from folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere. Get more information here.
My Thoughts on February Read the rest of this essay here. ![]() ![]() Things to Remember When Changing Your Email Address We get a lot of emails informing us of an email address change. Here are a few tips to remember when changing your email address: 1. Don't use your old email address to email your contacts to tell them that you are changing your email address. Use the new one. 2. If you have a PayPal account, be sure you log in to PayPal, add your new email address, and remove the old one. 3. Most newsletters have a way to change your address and that information can usually be found at or near the bottom of the newsletter. ![]()
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